Alright I'm creating a forum as I've said in other posts for help and I"m having a bit of trouble with the templates itself now
Here is my PHP code.
These are my templates.
I have assigned a forum to both categories that I Have but I'm having troubles getting them to show up right.
You can see what I mean here:
Here is my PHP code.
$getCategories = $db->dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_categories` ORDER BY `sort` DESC");
while ($categories = $db->dbFetch($getCategories)) {
$getForums = $db->dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_forums` WHERE `cid` = '$categories->id';");
while ($forums = $db->dbFetch($getForums)) {
$forum[] = $forums;
$forumTopics = $db->dbCount($db->dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_threads` WHERE `fid` = '$forums->id';"));
$forumReplies = $db->dbCount($db->dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_replies` WHERE `fid` = '$forums->id';"));
if ($forums->last_post_id == 0) {
$latestPostInfo[$forums->id] = "No New Posts!";
} else {
$latestPostInfo[$forums->id] = $db->dbFetch($db->dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_threads` WHERE `id` = '$forums->last_post_id';"));
$latestPosterInfo[$forums->id] = $db->dbFetch($db->dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `".DB_PREFIX."users` WHERE `id` = '$latestPostInfo->poster';"));
$category[] = $categories;
These are my templates.
{section name=forums loop=$forum}
<td class="rows" style="width: 75px;" valign="middle" align="center">Icon</td>
<td class="rows" style="width: 300px;"><div class="forum_text" style="padding-bottom: 5px;"><a href="#">{$forum[forums]->name}</a><br />
<td class="rows" style="width: 125px;">{$topics}</td>
<td class="rows" style="width: 125px;" colspan="2">{$replies}</td>
<td class="rows" style="width: 300px;">
{if $LatestInfo[$smarty.section.forums.iteration] == 0}
No new posts!
<strong>In</strong>: <a href="#">{$LatestInfo[$smarty.section.forums.iteration]->title}</a><br />
<strong>By</strong>: <a href="#">{$latestPosterInfo[$smarty.section.forums.iteration]->username}</a>
<!--Start Category-->
<table class="forum" width="901" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
{section name=cats loop=$category}
<td class="category" colspan="9"><div class="cat_title">{$category[cats]->name}</div></td>
<td class="small_title" style="width: 75px;"> </td>
<td class="small_title" style="width: 300px;">Forum Name, Forum Description</td>
<td class="small_title" style="width: 125px;">Topics</td>
<td class="small_title" style="width: 125px;" colspan="2">Replies</td>
<td class="small_title" style="width: 300px;">Latest Poster</td>
I have assigned a forum to both categories that I Have but I'm having troubles getting them to show up right.
You can see what I mean here: