Some special request from a non-profit startup organization.

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Dear admins at x10hosting, I know it is clearly mentioned in your policy that accounts running continuous cpu-intensive functions will be suspended, I am here to make an emotional plea.

Here is an excerpt from our website being hosted with your esteemed organization.

We are a not-for-profit organization formed by a group of globally aware humans towards the improvement of the lowest stratas of society. We are starting small, but our purpose is of global consequences. All the founding members of our organization have different view-points on just about everything - leading to innovation and numerous perspectives.

Yet, a lot of common traits bring us together. We have all travelled through, back-packed, hitch-hiked, volunteered, and most importantly, felt a common compassion towards the poorest and least resourceful of our fellow living beings, humans and otherwise. We have shared the pain of seeing countless priceless pieces of culture and ways-of-life destroyed because of neglect and profiteering.

We are here to plead to you, to come join us. Don\'t contribute money if you can\'t, but help us with your time, effort, compassion and intellect. Help us with your Voice.

Help Us, for it is a noble thing to do.


Requests to WebHosting Companies for some much needed domain name registration sponsorship and webhosting accounts.

Formally Setting Up Organization in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Myanmar

I hope the Mission Statement as well as the calender of Events from our site hosted on your servers will give you some degree of confidence in us, and we also hope that you will lift the limit on disk space as well as databases.

We sincerely hope that soon enough, this movement of ours will spawn many more such localized movements, and will be catalystic in bringing about a positive global change.

Warm regards,

Pankaj Saraf


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This is a shared hosting environment. Your free hosting account is one of thousands of others with free hosting accounts on your same server. If we allow you to have continuous cpu intensive scripts in your account, then you'll constantly cause the thousands of other accounts to not work. That's not very fair to the other accounts. There is an hourly cpu limit for each free hosting account so this won't happen, so it's not possible to allow you to do this.

May I recommend that you invest in a x10VPS for your cpu intensive needs? It's the only package that x10 offers that can possibly allow this.
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