Specific Questions about AUP

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I'm new here (well, not really), and I just got my main domain changed to what I needed to change it to. Now, before I set up anything, I just want to clarify things from the AUP.

* constitutes child pornography;
* constitutes pornography; (waived on Premium & VPS Hosting)
* is excessively violent, incites violence, threatens violence, or contains harassing content or hate speech;

Does this bit have to be specific on images and videos? I'm a fanfiction writer, and I would like to have my fanfics in my website, but I write the bloody, gore-y, violent type (and very graphic). And working on a NC-17 one currently.

Bulk Commercial E-Mail

This is my main problem. I am going to set up a fanlistings page (I found one thread about it through search, but the thread in question was 1 year old, and the question was not answered) on my website, and the Bulk Email thing bugs me. Part of the FL registration is sending an email the one who had themselves listed in the FL. I'm not saying that the FLs I will build will have to send out chunks of email - I'll mostly do FLs of obscure subjects, anyway. But still.

Material Protected by Copyright

One more of the things I will put up is a tribute website thing, dedicated to a specific actor. A planned part of it will be screencaps of him in hi work from his films. Maybe some GIFs, too, but mainly JPEGs and PNGs. No AVIs, even though his stuff are very hard to find. Does the screencap gallery count as Copyright infringement, or is it under Fair Use?

And, fanfiction, fan art and fan videos, too. Plus shots and animations of 3D video game models. (but I won't be posting the 3DS files, I swear.)

I guess that's all.

Oh, and why did it take 4 days for my domain name to validate? Just wondering.


Community Paragon
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I'm prodding the admins for a more definitive response than I can give, but there are a few items that I'd like clarifications for:
* constitutes child pornography;
* constitutes pornography; (waived on Premium & VPS Hosting)
* is excessively violent, incites violence, threatens violence, or contains harassing content or hate speech;
Is violence your only concern, or is there also a concern about pornography and CP? I can tell you right now, X10 has a very low tolerance for CP in any form, even simulated (which includes written forms).

Bulk Commercial E-Mail

[...] I am going to set up a fanlistings page [...] on my website, and the Bulk Email thing bugs me. Part of the FL registration is sending an email the one who had themselves listed in the FL.
Under exactly what circumstances do you send an e-mail? Only when a user registers with the list? Periodically, to everyone on the list? Are you sending the same e-mail to multiple recipients simultaneously?

Material Protected by Copyright

One more of the things I will put up is a tribute website thing, dedicated to a specific actor. A planned part of it will be screencaps of him in hi work from his films. [...] Does the screencap gallery count as Copyright infringement, or is it under Fair Use?
Is the actor still living?

And, fanfiction, fan art and fan videos, too. Plus shots and animations of 3D video game models. (but I won't be posting the 3DS files, I swear.)
Where does the fan art come from? How do you make sure you have permission to host it? Are the videos hosted on-site, or linked to?

Has it been at least three months since the original work was produced?

The best way to deal with this issue is to ask the copyright holder (who should be identified in every copyright statement) what their position is on fan art (the term includes all forms).
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