Check any news sites. google, yahoo, cnn, etc.. So sad..
D Dopeness New Member Messages 6 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Sep 4, 2006 #1 Check any news sites. google, yahoo, cnn, etc.. So sad..
T thecarver New Member Messages 110 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Sep 4, 2006 #2 Yeah I know, its so sad. My little brother used to always watch his show on animal planet.
M Master Yoda New Member Messages 398 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Sep 4, 2006 #3 As I have said on various places.... he may no longer be here hunting crocs but I'm sure he is up above hunting crocs.
As I have said on various places.... he may no longer be here hunting crocs but I'm sure he is up above hunting crocs.
Spartan Erik Retired Messages 6,764 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Sep 4, 2006 #4 I always had a feeling he'd be killed doing his crazy job; I never had cable but I did see him on local TV a couple times for photoshoots and whatnot
I always had a feeling he'd be killed doing his crazy job; I never had cable but I did see him on local TV a couple times for photoshoots and whatnot
D DMacK Member Messages 542 Reaction score 0 Points 16 Sep 4, 2006 #5 It really is sad.. rest in peace Steve.
swirly Active Member Messages 1,930 Reaction score 0 Points 36 Sep 5, 2006 #6 i never really liked him. but its sad. but then again, you cant say he didnt have it coming sooner or later (sorry if i offend anyone.)
i never really liked him. but its sad. but then again, you cant say he didnt have it coming sooner or later (sorry if i offend anyone.)
Kay New Member Messages 804 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Sep 5, 2006 #7 Well it is sad - some of mates used to always watch his shows - RIP
B blackroselove New Member Messages 244 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Sep 5, 2006 #8 RIP steve. He was always very good at what he did.
dyfuse Member Messages 395 Reaction score 0 Points 16 Sep 6, 2006 #9 Being from "Down Under" myself, Steve Irwin was of great sentimental value to Australia (and indeed the world!) - an idealistic Aussie with a great passion for wildlife and conservation! A tragic end to the beginning of so much more!
Being from "Down Under" myself, Steve Irwin was of great sentimental value to Australia (and indeed the world!) - an idealistic Aussie with a great passion for wildlife and conservation! A tragic end to the beginning of so much more!
A Articz New Member Messages 864 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Sep 6, 2006 #11 think of his two young kids