Support please?

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Since I started creating websites I have been using x10 hosting for free hosting of hobby websites. I've never had any issues before.
Before I move on, I'd like to say that I don't know the right place to post this(I don't visit the forums a lot, because, as I said I have never had any problems before).
Recently, my account has been suspended because, according to the info I get when I try to log in, my website is using an "unsupported language" (Greek).
I was not aware that my acount can be suspended because of this, as I have created websites in the past that used greek and there was no problem.
I have already submitted an apeal, but i has been no response yet.
I read the terms of service and I found out only free accounts can be suspended for this reason.
Considering that the website is supposed to be up for a lot of time and that premium is so cheap($3.95/month), I wonder If my account can be upgrated to premium(without losing files/database data).
I have not been able to find an upgrade option after the suspension. If my account can be upgraded without losing any data, I'd happily pay for it.
If anybody can give me any helpful information for this issue I would be greatful.
By the way my website's domain is normally, but I decided to use a .tk domain,
Also I'd like to mention that none of this is in my apeal.


Abuse Compliance Officer
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The appeal has been answered already; I'm copying in the response here:

Unfortunately there's a problem with the reasoning included within your dispute; our Terms of Service clearly states the following:

--Website Language At this time we only support sites that are in English, Spanish, or French.

--3. Languages
--At this time x10Hosting only supports English, Spanish and French websites on free hosting, these restrictions do not apply to paid hosting. Sites found breaking this rule will be permanently suspended.

I am willing to lift the suspension to give you 24 hours to translate ALL content present to English, Spanish, or French, however these must be MANUAL translations - automatic ones such as Google Translate would not be allowed as they tend to fail to fully translate, along with their lack of accuracy in said translations. While I do understand that your site is written in greek because it's designed to be viewed by only greek users, this doesn't mean we can exempt the account from the language restriction.

Do you wish for us to lift the suspension to give you 24 hours to translate or remove any content that can't be translated to a supported language?

That said, you should be able to upgrade to Premium which wouldn't require the translation at all either - during signup for Premium it'll ask for an existing free account username. Put yours in, and it'll copy the free account to premium. Once that finishes, you may want to make sure it loads; if it still shows the suspended page, open a ticket in the premium client area to run an unsuspend to undo the changes the suspension does to the account.
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