Support System

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I Break Things
Staff member
Reaction score
We have closed all open \ new tickets that do not have a response in the ticket system. This is due to the majority of them having been solved automatically now that the recent upgrades have been completed. The time taken to go through all the issues that have been solved already would have severely delayed the resolution of outstanding issues.

If you still have an issue please open a new ticket, we'll try to get to it as soon as possible.

To allay any worries, we do have backups of all your files\databases, etc. If for some reason your databases have gone missing or your account is blank just open a ticket. If your account is missing all together we do have backups for that too.

We are still tidying up the servers, I will try to hold off on any final restarts until early in the morning as to have the least impact.

3rdparty software will return to your cPanel in the next day or two, this includes Softaculous and RVSiteBuilder. We have also been working with Cloudflare to allow for automatic setup of 'free domains', this will return to cPanel hopefully in the next week - and working properly.

If you're experiencing any other issues please open a ticket.

If you are missing your files, account, or databases please put this in the subject of your ticket. These issues are the highest priority, this will help us locate them faster in the ticket system.
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