There are currently 46,000+ members. We get an average of 200-300 sign ups a day. Of which half will just start an account and never use it. So if we did not keep strict rules on how we go about inactivity/termination of accounts then the servers would fill up and slow down and crash. Then you all would start complaining"The servers are slow" . So by setting these rules in place we can keep inactive/unused/illegal accounts cleaned up. That makes for a better service for those who indeed use their site and are active.
It is a must and seeings that x10hosting offers more than any other place i have seen i wouldn't be complaining about having to sign in once every two weeks to keep an account active. You don't have to even post. The rules are really simple to follow and we are glad to help when you are following the rules. We don't like to terminate accounts. But like i said it is necessary to keep the server free of unused accounts.
So having active member to help out one another on the forums also helps us out to free up time to help people with more major issues. So to all of the members who regularly help. I personally thank you.