Suspended [then deleted off the net] after just eight days. Lost web page files

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All of my files had been deleted after only eight days of receiving an Unsuspension confirmation email [showing that I DID attempt to salvage]?!
The site in reference was under the user name 'sandipji0952', whose forum account still exists but my web hosting account had been erroneously deleted under strange circumstances. I tried, under the screen name sandipji0952, to get answers... but my thread just got closed after a volunteer could only ask me more questions that where irrelevant. I have since attempted to reestablish under the user name 'sandipji' but I have been at a loss due to the fact that all of my files where in the sandipji0952 account, which no one could offer any help at the time because I didn't ask the right questions, but now I KNOW what to ask, and that is this...

Why did my old hosting account get deleted only eight (8) days after I succesfully unsuspended it [as shown in the attached screenshot via notification/confirmation emails' dates]

Due to this suspension, I lost a years' worth of video work and feel that this deletion is unjustified as clearly shown in the contents of my inbox. I unsuspended my account just eight days before it got suspended for 'inactivity'[?!] of all things! I thought unsuspending an account left it alone for at least thirty (30) days, right?
Please help me to recover what was rightfully supposed to stay put.:frown:
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