I like it too, I'd give it a 6/7 (and don't take this lightly - my rating scale is kind of harsh).
I don't ever give out 10s unless truely deserved. I like the gradient borderline around the border (the fade effect), but if you notice at the bottom section part of that border is either overlapped or doesn't look right. There's a little line.
I would also like to see some hover-over's with that menu you have there. Either something with the text, or some kind of glow on the stars should do.
I think in the future I see some animation on your site. That is, I could see the bottom section being expanding/contracting from the top section. That would be really nice.
Other than that (and aside from the Tiger pic), I really like it. You should look into using AJAX so you don't have a screen flicker problem.
An example of how AJAX can speed things up can be at a test site I'm doing for a friend @
www.web-critic.net/ci/ (right now only Firefox supported).
Notice that the banner image takes forever to load. But all the other pages are loaded dynamically using AJAX. This makes the page not rely on the browser's cache (preventing browser flicker) and just makes it get the content it needs.
Hope this helps.