

Reaction score
Extend the background image to fit the whole screen. Try using percents of the screen instead of pixels, e.g. width="100%". The About Us page could be changed up a little... the alignment looks a little bit weird in the paragraph and there should be a space between email and the brackets, and it should be wide enough that required is on the same line or at least directly underneath the word "email". Add a way for users to contact you, the best way being through cPanel's webmail option (because you get a free email with your account). Little things like spaces in the right places (hey, that rhymes) are important, even your slogan doesn't have a space after the , etc. So good grammar is something to work on. The Wide button wouldn't be necessary with percents. I do like the calender and the fact you can see other users reading the site, but the RSS Feed button should be more obvious (maybe have a dedicated page where the Wide button is now) and the Facebook thing should be near the top of the page so more people will like you, and maybe add a Google Plus button near the Facebook thing, just as a suggestion. Many people like me only use Google Plus, not Facebook.