Thanks 10x and a question

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Paranormal Path

New Member
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Just wanted to offer a thanks and a good job to the folks behind the the scene here. This isn't some sort of butt kissing ploy either. i mean it, as today i went to check my site and account and found it suspended. i followed the instructions and read what the problem was, and how to fix the problem. and within a few minutes my account was unsuspended, and up an running. thats do to the large amount of information the team here has compiled here. good job guys, and thanks.

I do have a small question though in regards to my suspension, as im not sure about this.

Ok i was suspended for not linking my site and user name or something like that. i followed the instruction and unsuspended myself fine. But im curious about something. see when creating my account, i was able to use the name i initially wanted, which is "path" as my cpanel login/user name, but when i came to the forums this name was i guess already taken, so i was forced to use "paranormal path". So what im wondering is, am i going to run into the account and user name not linked suspension again due to these 2 names not being the same, and if so, how can i remedy that?

i hope i explained that properly. so anyway, hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving, and ill wait for a reply. Thanks again.

Oh, also, im aware we need to stay active at the forum to keep from getting suspended for inactivity. Does this activity require us to post on the forums, or by just visiting and reading for a while count towards active?

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Former Adm & Team Manager
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It doesn't matter if the username of your forum account don't match with your hosting account username, you just need to have them linked (your forum account is linked correctly to the hosting account "path").
You just need to make sure to login once every two weeks to the forums, and your account won't get suspended.
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