The Anna Nicole Story


Legend Killer
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With the death of Anna Nicole, there has been an overly abundant amount of news in the Entertainment industry about her death, her life, where she wanted to be buried, the father of her daughter ... more than any one person can stand to listen to.

Things to debate / discuss :

1. What do you think of the Anna Nicole headlines?

2. Do you think her estate still deserves the millions from her former husband's estate? ( The oil tycoon )

3. What do you think killed Anna?

4. Who do you think is her daughter's father?

Spartan Erik

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Things to debate / discuss :

1. What do you think of the Anna Nicole headlines?

2. Do you think her estate still deserves the millions from her former husband's estate? ( The oil tycoon )

3. What do you think killed Anna?

4. Who do you think is her daughter's father?

1. There's much more important USEFUL news out there.
2. No. She married that guy for money only; she shouldn't get it.
3. Drugs / stroke / heart attack. One of those.
4. I don't even know all the potential fathers.. quite frankly it doesn't matter to me.

All I can say is that I'm happy that the daughter will never know what kind of a person her mother was.


Legend Killer
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1. What do you think of the Anna Nicole headlines?

I have to agree with the above ( Spartan Erik ) that this story has just been a bit too much. A celeb or not, there has to be more important news than just her that happens during the day.

2. Do you think her estate still deserves the millions from her former husband's estate? ( The oil tycoon )

Agreeing with Spartan again, its true she probably did marry just for money. Who wouldn't, honestly? But under the laws, she was still married to him ... legally and binding by a court or priest or minister ... so she is entitled to something.

3. What do you think killed Anna?
Possible overuse of drugs. Although I don't think it was drugs that ultimately killed her, but the use / abuse of it in her lifetime. If you have seen the Entertainment news shows, her hotel room fridge had Methadone and Slimfast in it. ( That was it ) ... I think, overall, the stress of her son dying, the battles with family and ex's ( Larry, Howard, etc ) ... I think her life in general just killed her.

4. Who do you think is her daughter's father?

Honestly? Probably not one of the 3 that came forward. And what's funny, is if they follow Bahama law, then this debate is moot. Howard K. Stern would legally ( if not biologically ) be her father and that is it.


The Guy Everyone Hates
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1. What do you think of the Anna Nicole headlines?
- Who cares? She was a playboy playmate, was in the worst buisness that really just kills your reputation. Why should her headlines be on CNN and be a top story? WHat has this world come to?

2. Do you think her estate still deserves the millions from her former husband's estate? ( The oil tycoon )
- Her estate should be given to people that work, and not to people who show off their (.)(.) for money ;)

3. What do you think killed Anna?
- Drugs, Sexually Transfered Disease, Bad Kharma

4. Who do you think is her daughter's father?
- No idea...but not one of the guys who think it is, if you catch my drift.

She was a discgusting person, and thank god that her daughter wont know.


New Member
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1. They're ridiculous. It's ONE DEAD PERSON. And they've somehow managed to come up with "news" for the past month or so. Instead of focusing on worthwhile news, the so-called "news" networks have focused on this tabloid piece of crap. I thought I was watching CNN, not Entertainment Tonight.

2. She does deserve something.

3. Drugs.

4. Again, there's more worthwhile news out there, so I don't care.