The end of Sony PS domain???


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Nintendo Wii and XBOX 360 are winning the market of videogames consoles by pricing and gaming habilities?. What's your opinion?


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If the PS3's price goes down they will have a chance. So far the Wii is going to catch up to the 360 in about 200k consoles.


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Sony made a big big mistake with the pricing and timing of the PS3.
They have crammed too much power into the thing where as the Xbox with lighter hardware matches the PS3 in terms of performance.


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ps will come back when the ps3 price drops but untill then they will loose out but saying that the red ring on the xbox is stopping peps buying the xbox so i think it be the wii that will win


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Sony made a big big mistake with the pricing and timing of the PS3.
They have crammed too much power into the thing where as the Xbox with lighter hardware matches the PS3 in terms of performance.

That is not entirely true, they packed in a rather powerful processor. It is hard to utilize it to its fullest extent, though. It is extremely limited by the memory, too, which would actually be required for the multiple cores to function properly.

Its basically like this, both sides screwed up.
PS3: ridiculously low RAM, ~half of it is reserved for the OS
360: plenty of RAM, runs off DVD's therefore limiting the possible content ammount

The developers are complaining about these two problems all the time. Especially in Sony's case I cannot understand it, considering the RAM prices these days...


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I still don't think they have lost the battle, they could offer updates or few more addons.....If they ever feel like they are losing, they'll quit :-/


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There really is no chance that the PS3 will win this generation. They are constantly dropping the ball...

First it was the price point. They dropped it about 6 months after it was released. With that price drop they eliminated all the hardware based backwards compatibility and went mainly software based. This caused thousands of games not able to be played.

Then the Six-axis debacle. They stated that rumble was a last generation feature and it could never work with a six axis controller. Low and behold they announced the Dual Shock 3 complete with the exact same rumble (not next generation) as the PS2 and whats this, it comes with motion control? I thought Sony said that it would never work?

Now they announced they are adding another SKU at a $400 price point. The catch it that they have removed ALL PS2 backwards compatibility and various other features found in the other SKUs. So, one of the major points of owning a PS3 is now gone.

And finally the most important thing they dropped the ball on:

Games. There isn't anything on the PS3 that I really can't get on the 360. Sure theres MGS4, but even that may eventually go to the 360.

So I really can't see Sony winning this generation by the way there going. They need some drastic changes because what there doing right now isn't working.
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You people believe in myths. The console race has barely begun, MS squandered a year's headstart and Nintendo and Sony are still in the game.

MS has no major pull outside of North America. Anything can happen within the next 5 years.


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You people believe in myths. The console race has barely begun, MS squandered a year's headstart and Nintendo and Sony are still in the game.

MS has no major pull outside of North America. Anything can happen within the next 5 years.

It's not a myth when cold hard numbers back us up. Sony continually states that they want to make this generation last for 10 years yet there plans say otherwise. If they really aren't scrambling to get some market share do you really think they would have gone through 4 hardware revisions and 2 price cuts with in less than a year of its launch? No, they ****ed up, badly. They are now paying for it.

They will be the N64/GameCube of this generation.


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It's not a myth when cold hard numbers back us up. Sony continually states that they want to make this generation last for 10 years yet there plans say otherwise. If they really aren't scrambling to get some market share do you really think they would have gone through 4 hardware revisions and 2 price cuts with in less than a year of its launch? No, they ****ed up, badly. They are now paying for it.

They will be the N64/GameCube of this generation.
Pick out some lotto numbers from the future too. :dunno:


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Let me join in the argument on how ps3 owns the 360.

360 has the highest death rate out of all the consoles.

PS3 has blue-ray, so you get hd movies and unlimited content on gamming meaning devs dont need to worry about space, which was the biggest worry on ps2 and the original xbox.

PSN is FREE, XBL is not

PS3 is getting Home, 360 is not.

PS3 has a reached limits to that the 360 can't.

The only problem with the ps3 is that devs dont know how to make games for them. My cousin's husband works for EA, and he told me that they were having problems making the 08 games because originally the xbox had power over ps2, which meant that making games for it would be easier. Because microsoft has XNA (xbox's sdk) they made games for xbox and ported them to ps2. Because ps3 has power over the 360, they cant use that power. Since making games for xbox was easy that became their trend and every started following that, that answers the less ps3 games part. My cousin's husband also told me that sony has released their on sdk that helps you make games on ps3. The biggest problem was ps3's price, which is now cheaper in canada then 360. Now people are complaining about backwards compatibility, how many 360 owners actually play xbox games on it. Leave ps2 gamming on ps2, because 1 year from now, we wont remember it.

I was gonna type more, but i got bored.


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Let me join in the argument on how ps3 owns the 360.

360 has the highest death rate out of all the consoles.

It doesn't matter. Microsoft has dealt with the problem by extending the warranty to three years. That means free repairs if it does break down.

PS3 has blue-ray, so you get hd movies and unlimited content on gamming meaning devs dont need to worry about space, which was the biggest worry on ps2 and the original xbox.

Actually it wasn't a problem last generation at all. Even this generation it's not a problem. There is a thing called putting a game on more than one DVD. It's a simple solution.

PSN is FREE, XBL is not

You get what you pay for. XBL is still a better service.

PS3 is getting Home, 360 is not.

Who cares?

PS3 has a reached limits to that the 360 can't.

And what limits has the PS3 reached?

The only problem with the ps3 is that devs dont know how to make games for them. My cousin's husband works for EA, and he told me that they were having problems making the 08 games because originally the xbox had power over ps2, which meant that making games for it would be easier. Because microsoft has XNA (xbox's sdk) they made games for xbox and ported them to ps2. Because ps3 has power over the 360, they cant use that power. Since making games for xbox was easy that became their trend and every started following that, that answers the less ps3 games part. My cousin's husband also told me that sony has released their on sdk that helps you make games on ps3. The biggest problem was ps3's price, which is now cheaper in canada then 360. Now people are complaining about backwards compatibility, how many 360 owners actually play xbox games on it. Leave ps2 gamming on ps2, because 1 year from now, we wont remember it.

What does your cousin's husband do at EA? Stockroom? He sure sounds like he knows nothing about the industry (And neither do you). The developers know how to develop for the PS3, if they didn't then they would have never been able to even release a game let alone finish one.

But the simple truth of the matter is that the PS3 is hard to develop for, but not to the point where developers don't know how to make games.

The signs of the PS3 performing worse this generation are already showing themselves. It's become apparent to Sony finally as they are begging developers not to leave there platform.