I agree with you 100 percent Conor. If they come out now, that would be like they just killed thousands of soldiers for nothing.Conor said:What do you think? Personally I think that too many soldiers and people have been killed to pull out now. If they are going to commit, they need to commit fully.
ademonicbaby said:Actually I would say, just nuke the dang place. :/ It's useless to keep talking about it since you guys can't do anything against it. It's only 1 man that can do what he want with Iraq and that's Bush. If he really wanted to destroy Iraq, he would already done that.
Conor said:NO way. I don't think it was about oil AT ALL. You don't kill thousands for OIL. DON'T YOU REMEMBER 9/11?
That's the true answer i believe. İf US falls back, there'll be chaos in Iraq, but if stays....wonkothesane said:I was against the war against iraq from the start. Thing is that iraq is now somewhat dependant on usa... hard question with a harder answer. If USA moves out and gives iraq true freedom it might be a big mistake, any power-hungry leader could rally forces and take over. I don't pretend to know much about the situation but I think that USA should stay, but that other countries should get involved too so that IRAQ isn't dependant on only USA.
What da hell are u talkin about!" Just nuke it, and forget about" What about that, place a nuke on YOUR head, and press te trigger, huh?ademonicbaby said:U.S knew that there weren't any weapons of destruction, when Bush came here (In the netherlands) he said it himself. Bush just needed a reason to blow it up. And I say again. Just nuke it and just forget about it.