I am a Game Designer with the many out there and the most impossible part for us is to find a place to upload the game. And even if we find one we also need mirrors for the file. I was able to get the Simplcity of Upload Scripts and let my friends at a forum upload. But I stop it once I read TOS. They might get mad with me :kdubb:. Is it ok to let them upload. I just like to help people and solve little problems what we come across. The problem is they have web sites and some don't have the space, some don't have bandwidth and also some need mirrors for the file (Not an entire account). I can tell people to singup for a x10hosting account but they alrady have a web page. And they will not like to wait for the account to get apporved etc. My Uploading System renames HTML, PHP files etc to text files So there will be no harm to server.
I have ads on every page (even on the file manager of the upload system) I also delete the files every 3 months if the upload folder size is over 1GB. ALso I am the one who seems be uploading the most because I am lazey to upload via Cpanel.
One more thing I know another member who has opened a upload service here at x10.
Please Conseder
Thank you
I am a Game Designer with the many out there and the most impossible part for us is to find a place to upload the game. And even if we find one we also need mirrors for the file. I was able to get the Simplcity of Upload Scripts and let my friends at a forum upload. But I stop it once I read TOS. They might get mad with me :kdubb:. Is it ok to let them upload. I just like to help people and solve little problems what we come across. The problem is they have web sites and some don't have the space, some don't have bandwidth and also some need mirrors for the file (Not an entire account). I can tell people to singup for a x10hosting account but they alrady have a web page. And they will not like to wait for the account to get apporved etc. My Uploading System renames HTML, PHP files etc to text files So there will be no harm to server.
I have ads on every page (even on the file manager of the upload system) I also delete the files every 3 months if the upload folder size is over 1GB. ALso I am the one who seems be uploading the most because I am lazey to upload via Cpanel.
One more thing I know another member who has opened a upload service here at x10.
Please Conseder
Thank you