Trouble logging into cpanel

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I can log into the forums just fine, and then when I go to log into the hosting it says I need to connect my accounts, I use the username I have for the hosting account and then it says that username does not exist.

I made the account yesterday, and it said i was in queue, so I waited, then today I recieved an email that said my hosting account was created, and I could log in and it gave some links. I went to log in and now it says the username does not exist.

Any help would be appreciated. I dont know whats going wrong here. I am using the right information in the right places I am sure. but for some reasopn its just not working. I have to go to sleep tonite, but will check back again tomorow after work. I hope this can be all solved and the hosting turns out to be something good :-D

If it is then I plan to upgrade my account from the free ad version to the paid no ads type, I just want to find the right place before I purchase a hosting plan. The types of things I will be needing is MySQL database and php I will be needing access to the newer versions so that the web software I have will work. I want to make a website for my World of Warcraft Guild, and we have a roster, a callender, and a forums that are all run on PHP. So once I have the right hosting plan I will have lots of work to do.

Any how I am going on and on about information not needed inb this area.

Any way please help me getting my site working, thanks :-D

ps - oh yeah I would also be interested in purchasing my own domain name with a .com for example do you offer that service as well?


I Break Things
Staff member
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You picked a bad time to sign-up ;) We were running maintenance all weekend which caused some issues with sign-ups. I don't see a hosting account linked to this forum account so something must have went wrong at account creation.

Please try going here: and then signing up again.

Regarding domains, we don't sell them right now due to the high rate of fraud. We will be selling them in about another month when we finish up another project though ;).

I noticed you'll be using some PHP functions, after you get your account working go to your account panel and upgrade to intermediate PHP right away. (Only go here after your account is created.).



New Member
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Thanks mate :-D

I will do the resign up on Satuday. I will have more time on the weekend, in fact I will most of the day Saturday free, and all of Sunday. I can work on this project pretty much all weekend. This way I wont feel hurried while going through the sign up process, and then I can also take my time in choosing all the methods I want to put the site together.

Looking forward to doing this a lot, so thanks a bunch. :-D
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