Is there a way for you guys to fix this?
to check your account's disk usage (amount of disk space allotment used) on x10hosting free-hosting server...
in [ cPanel-x3 ] theme's home page (not x10hosting Basic) - look down left side for [ Disk Space Usage ] - you might need to open ( click on ) [ Stats ]
NOTE: if you are NOT in the [ cPanel x3 ] theme - click on the "Switch Theme" button at the top on the screen (after you Sign-in at [ ]) - you can choose between [ x10Hosting Basic ] and [ cPanel-x3 ] themes
be sure to check the number of [ inodes ] used - 50,000 is the maximum
Cron jobs - made by you or a CMS you use - can put a lot of Emails on your account (over time) - each one counts as a file (one inode)