Hi folks,
this sasi again. There always seems to be a issue with SQL queries when you use them in ASP. The best example is a single quote problem (for example: if the user inputs don't then the query breaks). Here is a way to form your SQL queries which holds good even when the user inputs a data with single quotes on it.
Lets first take a look at the non-parameterized queries
'//////////////////// Get the form values ///////////////
txtbox = Request.form("text")
country = Request.form("text2")
total_num = Request.form("text3")
user_name = Session("Username")
'////////////////////// Set the data base connection ///////////////////////
set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
conn.ConnectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source= hostname, port number;Initial Catalog=Database Name;User Id=username;Password=password;"
'//////////////////////// End of database connection code ////////////////////////
'//////////////////// building the insert query ///////////////
insert_query="insert into Table_Name(username, msg, msg_num, country) values (" & "'" & user_name & "','" & txtbox & "','" & total_num & "','" & country &"')"
rs.Open insert_query,conn
'//////////////////////// End of query //////////////////////////////
While you use the above query, if the user inputs in one of the text box as don't then u will see that the query breaks. To avaoid this we go in for parametrized queries. Here we go
'/////////////////// Parametrized Query ////////////////////////////////////
insertSQL = "INSERT INTO Table_Name(username, msg, msg_num, country) "
insertSQL = insertSQL & "VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
Set courseCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
courseCommand.ActiveConnection = conn
courseCommand.CommandText = insertSQL
courseCommand.Parameters(0).value = user_name
courseCommand.Parameters(1).value = txtbox
courseCommand.Parameters(2).value = total_num
courseCommand.Parameters(3).value = country
Set courseRS = courseCommand.Execute()
'/////////////////////////////// End of Query ////////////////////////////////////////////
Hav fun guys,
this sasi again. There always seems to be a issue with SQL queries when you use them in ASP. The best example is a single quote problem (for example: if the user inputs don't then the query breaks). Here is a way to form your SQL queries which holds good even when the user inputs a data with single quotes on it.
Lets first take a look at the non-parameterized queries
'//////////////////// Get the form values ///////////////
txtbox = Request.form("text")
country = Request.form("text2")
total_num = Request.form("text3")
user_name = Session("Username")
'////////////////////// Set the data base connection ///////////////////////
set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
conn.ConnectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source= hostname, port number;Initial Catalog=Database Name;User Id=username;Password=password;"
'//////////////////////// End of database connection code ////////////////////////
'//////////////////// building the insert query ///////////////
insert_query="insert into Table_Name(username, msg, msg_num, country) values (" & "'" & user_name & "','" & txtbox & "','" & total_num & "','" & country &"')"
rs.Open insert_query,conn
'//////////////////////// End of query //////////////////////////////
While you use the above query, if the user inputs in one of the text box as don't then u will see that the query breaks. To avaoid this we go in for parametrized queries. Here we go
'/////////////////// Parametrized Query ////////////////////////////////////
insertSQL = "INSERT INTO Table_Name(username, msg, msg_num, country) "
insertSQL = insertSQL & "VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
Set courseCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
courseCommand.ActiveConnection = conn
courseCommand.CommandText = insertSQL
courseCommand.Parameters(0).value = user_name
courseCommand.Parameters(1).value = txtbox
courseCommand.Parameters(2).value = total_num
courseCommand.Parameters(3).value = country
Set courseRS = courseCommand.Execute()
'/////////////////////////////// End of Query ////////////////////////////////////////////
Hav fun guys,