#1. I read a few of the other posts where staff respond that there are server problems and say we should look at the announcements but don't provide links to them. I did find a server status link but that was it.
#2. However, at the server status link it says that the "cossacks" server is supposed to be for adEnhanced sites ... but mine is adFree! Shouldn't I be on "ciroc" or "absolut"?
#3. It is almost 12 hours since I posted about not being able to create email accounts. I did read another post which noted that this was something Corey had to fix. Corey, where are you?
#2. However, at the server status link it says that the "cossacks" server is supposed to be for adEnhanced sites ... but mine is adFree! Shouldn't I be on "ciroc" or "absolut"?
#3. It is almost 12 hours since I posted about not being able to create email accounts. I did read another post which noted that this was something Corey had to fix. Corey, where are you?