I am allowed to put videos from you tube on my site?
If i'm not allowed... i may use a blog where i can put them and use a link from my site to the blog...? but i prefer to have a subdomain
Errr, i believe when you post a video on youtube you have an option whether to allow remote access (Linkage). If you see the "Share" boxes on a video it is fine by youtube and the person who posted it to use on your website.
ok...sorry chris z...i wont do that again...
so let me say what i understand...this is my second lang and sometimes and i don't understand it very well....
So i can put the authorizations of the video owners proving that i'm allowed to use those... but if says share is ok or the link of you tube...
And what do you mean with 100% legal 'fedlerner' cause i personally don't think that the youtube videos are legal.
To clarify what everyone has said in the past few posts:
You are not allowed to host videos, that do not belong to you, or are of an adult nature.
as far as YouTube goes, if the poster of the video allows you to, then using the code that YouTube provide, then you can embed that video into your webpage.