Vista Security

Spartan Erik

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I don't know if many of you have heard, but Microsoft is incorporating some sort of code into Vista that will lockdown your computer (no access to programs, and max 1 hour usage of IE7) if pirated software is detected. Well, looks like I can't get Windows Vista now :mad:


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Yes I have heard this.

Windows Vista will have new anti-piracy technology that locks people out their PCs if the operating system isn't activated within 30 days after installation.

If Vista is not activated with a legitimate product registration key in time, the system will run in "reduced functionality mode" until it is activated, said Thomas Lindeman, a senior product manager at Microsoft. In this mode, people will be able to use a Web browser for up to an hour, after which time the system will log them out, he said.

The new technology is part of Microsoft's new "Software Protection Platform," which the company plans to announce on Wednesday. It will be part of future versions of all Microsoft products, but debuts in Windows Vista and Windows Server "Longhorn," said Cori Hartje, director of Microsoft's Windows Genuine Software Initiative. Vista, the successor to Windows XP, is slated to be broadly available in January.

Just like everything else, it won't last long. It never does. Not that I am one for Pirated software but look at everything else they have tried.


Former Senior Account Rep
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Just get OEM

And like geoff said, it wont last too long. I mean the one for windows xp was out before xp was.:nuts:

If vista comes out with a product activisation update, like xp did, they will prob reverse engineer the code and be done.

Microsoft really dos need to watch what their doing to keep their money flowing.


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Also I wonder how many people MS has ripped off in the past with having people rebuy cd keys because there cd key was pirated by someone else. I mean you go out and buy xp pro and that costs enough, then you try to logon to the update site just to find out you cannot validate because your copy is pirated. So you call MS, and they say you must purchase another cd key....hmm I would be thinking "I just got ripped off twice" once from the pirates and then again from MS. that sucks.


New Member
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Yea just right!

The Vista is supposedly coming out only on DVD's and requires al lot oh hard-disk space. And the other hardware requirements are no less.

What is a Windows Vista Capable PC?

A new PC that carries the Windows Vista Capable PC logo can run Windows Vista. All editions of Windows Vista will deliver core experiences such as innovations in organizing and finding information, security, and reliability. All Windows Vista Capable PCs will run these core experiences at a minimum. Some features available in the premium editions of Windows Vista—like the new Windows Aero user experience—may require advanced or additional hardware.

A Windows Vista Capable PC includes at least:

* A modern processor (at least 800MHz1).
* 512 MB of system memory.
* A graphics processor that is DirectX 9 capable.

Windows Vista Premium Ready PCs
To get an even better Windows Vista experience, including the Windows Aero user experience, ask for a Windows Vista Capable PC that is designated Premium Ready, or choose a PC that meets or exceeds the Premium Ready requirements described below. Features available in specific premium editions of Windows Vista, such as the ability to watch and record live TV, may require additional hardware.


Coming to the security part! I cant believe Microsoft plans on limiting user activity (1hr browsing limit) on its customers (Legitimate or not! That sounds crazy!). And the activation part... Everyone knows the activation code will be reverse engineered very quickly. And the number of editions that Vista will be available in... God! Typical Microsoft Marketing Techniques!!!!