VPS Migration


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Yesterday evening my VPS was moved to the new DC / Server setup.

For those of you who are interested, possibly concerned, about this process, I would like to say that everything went as smoothly as could be expected.

Support notified me immediately upon completion and gave me a link to the new control panel and my new IP addresses. Since IP addresses have to be changed for the new DC, everything went down and was, (obviously), unreachable until I went into the server and assigned the new IP's, but I managed to do that very quickly with aid of my Webmin / Virtualmin setup even though I had to change a total of 17 domains and subdomains. I have not noticed any loss of files or data as a result of the migration, but I would strongly encourage everybody to download a full backup of the entire VPS immediately before the migration, just in case.

I personally like the new VPS control panel which replaced HyperVM at the new DC. It is much easier to understand and use IMHO and has a few new features that HyperVM does not have. As I have stated before, I never was a fan of Kloxo / HyperVM due to all the security problems which have obviously still not been resolved.


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I also had my VPS moved and the experience was the best that could be expected. It took a total of about 10 minutes to transfer my VPS. After I was notified of my new IP addresses, I logged into WHM and used the IP Migration Wizard, which automatically updated all the DNS entries.

I also love the new VPS Control Panel for the same reasons as Carl6969.

I get a faster ping at the new datacenter too! :)


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my migration took just a few minutes also and was able to get 'stuck in' straight away via shell access.

I would describe the new platform as a lot simpler, but that is in part due to there being less features available which I never used anyway in hypervm. The only thing I do not like is the lack of a restore feature but this was discussed in IRC today and Corey stated that this feature should be rolled out pretty soon.

I have noticed about a 10 to 15 % lower cpu usage under certain conditions which is either due to more responsive ram on the server or a couple of ubuntu updates or a combo of both? prolly a bit of both!

Overall thumbs up, but the restore feature has got to be implemented before I go all in and say perfect.


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Im having problems with the IP migration.
I ran the migration wizard, but my nameservers dissapeared, and somehow I managed to add ns1, but when adding ns2 via assign nameserver to ip, the page just hangs >(


Community Support Team
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Im having problems with the IP migration.
I ran the migration wizard, but my nameservers dissapeared, and somehow I managed to add ns1, but when adding ns2 via assign nameserver to ip, the page just hangs >(

What is "migration wizard"?
X10 support moved all of my files for me and then emailed me new IP addresses.
I changed the IP's of my my private nameservers with the domain registrar and then went into BIND on my VPS and assigned new IP's to all of my domains. Websites and email were up one minute and down the next for about 12 hours during the normal propagation, but after that everything worked perfectly.
If you would tell us a little more about your setup, such as the OS on your VPS and any management software, (i.e. Webmin), perhaps myself or somebody else here can help you out.


Head of the Geese
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Enemy of the State
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migration wizard has to do with cpanel i believe


Community Support Team
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migration wizard has to do with cpanel i believe

Thanks for the info. Never have been that excited about CPanel. It may be what screwed up the VPS configuration in this case. Maybe some of us can help out anyway.


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Ok I have been using the solaris vps management for about 2 weeks now and I have to say I think it is terrible compared with hyper VM.

Anyone who thinks it is better.
What is better about getting ZERO feedback on commands being executed?
NO Key management aka forced to use passwords to initial setup
NO File Manager
Multi-Click for EVERYTHING, reboot especially and again no feedback
NO Data related to distro options or feedback on completion


No restore feature just 1 backup a day that is all but useless. c'mon this is NOT BETTER in any way shape or form. If there was a security vulnerability on hyper VM I would rather have a vulnerability I can fix with a restore than be left open to any error forcing me to start over.

I really do not like the new platform and cannot figure out what others are thinking is so great about it? As for the performance being better, this is no gain when you have to add extras like webmin just to get close to similar functionality of hyper VM.

The migration went well but I still find issues today where I forgot to switch that IP, forgot about that setting etc. I did not want new IP's.

I wanted a setup that I had and now I do not have it!


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I very, very seldom actually use the X10 VPS Control Panel. The only feature on it that I occasionally need is the server reboot function.

Some type of VPS control panel has to be present for initial server setup and there are only a few choices available for that purpose. My VPS was active on X10 about a year ago when the first major Kloxo / LXAdmin security breach was discovered and made public. Corey immediately disabled LXAdmin and kept it disabled for quite awhile, during which time no VPS users could do much of anything with thier VPS's. The problem was eventually solved, (temporarily), but just a few weeks ago ANOTHER major security hole was found with LXAdmin, and, once again, LXAdmin had to be shut down. This time Corey apparently decided that enough is enough and changed to the new panel.
Surely, nobody would want X10 to place their own system, (as well as all the hosted VPS's at substantial risk by using LXAdmin which has repeatedly shown to be a major security risk. Is the new control panel the very best available? I do not know. Is everybody going to be happy with the change? No. Is this a better a choice than LXAdmin? Absolutely - for reasons stated above.

Now, back to my first statement. I almost never actually use the VPS Control Panel. When I first setup my VPS I installed my operating system using the control panel and then immediately installed Webmin and Virtualmin. And since that time I have not found any need to use the control panel for anything at all except reboot. I have found that I can very easily and efficiently manage all aspects of the VPS with Webmin. Command Shell, File Manager, fully configurable and automated (or manual) backups, etc.. Not everybody would agree that my way of managing my VPS is the best way, but it works very well for me.

My primary reason for being please with the new control panel is simply a matter of security. I do not want my VPS being placed at risk, hacked, or shut down completely because of the defects in LXAdmin. And my statements about LXAdmin are not opinions. They are facts.

One point that I do somewhat agree with allofus about is the IP change. I was forced to change 5 IP's on a total of 147 domains. Made a few mistakes that had to be corrected later and had there was about 14 hours of down time for prorogation of the new DNS settings created by the IP change. I questioned support, (Corey in this case), about this before the migration and he hold me that we were being forced to change IP's due to the new DC setup. There was simply no way around it.
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I never used lxadmin or centos for that matter so the security issue was not going to effect me? i dont know how this stuff works tbh.

I also do not use the vps manager often, but the features I did use are no longer available to me and the new manager is not very user friendly with needing to go back to 'main view' to see if reboot for example has worked by looking at ram and guessing.

I have yet to figure out how I can restore a backup on a running vps or 'halt' the vps to allow for a restore but I have figured out a lot of folders that can be restored to get webmin/usermin back configured and apparently virtualmin will deal with my restores.

If lxadmin was the only problem one would think it best to remove lxadmin distro of centos and leave everyone else alone.

This is the 3rd migration now and I have found myself going back to school to learn how to restore.

I suppose that is my biggest gripe no restore and only 1 backup a day. Not ideal for me developing and 'playing with' new things like webmin and virtualmin. I have needed to start all over again like 10 times in as many days and it is doing my nut in! Before I could just roll-back and try again, now I need to do EVERYTHING again. Nightmare.

And no I would not expect x10 to leave everyone open to abuse so alas, what can I say?

I preferred the old and I guess I just have to lump the new.


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I preferred the old and I guess I just have to lump the new.

Unfortunately for you, (and some others), that statement is accurate. Even though VPS gives us almost total control of our servers, server configuration, and software, X10 management decides what VPS control panel will be utilized. Most people instinctively resist change. We get comfortable with certain things and situations and don't always like things changing.

In this respect VPS users are actually pretty lucky with regards to to all the X10 upgrades and migrations. We all got a new control panel to deal with, server migrations, and had to change IP addresses. But, overall, it appeared to go smoothly with a minimum of disruption. On the other hand, I have been monitoring the Free Hosting Support Forum for the last few weeks and there have been a LOT of very serious issues and service disruptions associated with THAT migration and upgrade - some of which have still not been completely resolved.

BTW, I reviewed my previous posting. Hope I did not offend anybody in any way. But, I have some very strong negative feelings about Kloxo / LXAdmin and their various products - for good reason.


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I'm having disastrous issues with this migration - to the point where I'm about to have a lawsuit filed against me due to 3 days downtime.

I changed the ip address for my nameservers as soon as I got told my new IP address. I then accessed kloxo, changed all references to my old IP to the new IP and rebuilt all my domain dns settings so that they use the new IP.

I've rebooted the server, and I've waited for 3 days and still nothing. When I whois my nameservers it still shows them as pointing to the old IP address however I know that they have changed as I have both checked online and called my domain registrar.

Also, when I do a DNSless preview of any domain name I get the "
If you are seeing this page, it means that web has not been configured for this domain on this server." kloxo page.

Any ideas or help at this point would be of great?!

The Real Rebel

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Hey man, You need to edit the .conf files in apache or lighttpd found in /home/kloxo/httpd sorry I can't help more atm, If you go on the IRC look for toyo | desk he may be able to help you, tell him I told you to contact him, He helped me also with this prob,



I Break Things
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I haven't been as active on the forums as normal due to all the migrations going on but just read through this thread.

If you have any issues with the migrations feel free to reply to the migration ticket that should be open for you. If you do not get a response Email me directly corey[@]x10hosting.com and I'll look into it for you. We've now transferred a few hundred VPSs with very minimal issues, we are definitely here to help you out though if you run into something caused by the migration.

Regarding the new control panel for the VPSs, there are many things planned for it including a file manager. Because of HyperVM's previous popularity and extremely low price (free in some cases) there was no competition and as far as I know it's been around for almost 5 years giving it a huge head start on the other panels out there, most showing up only after the issues with HyperVM last year. In another year I'm confident the panel we're currently using will have all of the features HyperVM had and more. I really felt like our luck has run out using HyperVM and I've been waiting to jump ship for quite a while but needed to make sure it was to something stable that had at least the basic features such as reboot, reinstall, etc.