3. Content Restrictions
x10Hosting does not allow the use of it's services for illegal activities. This includes hosting of copyrighted material, nulled scripts, or anything that is considered illegal under US law. A suspension leading up to termination will be imposed for a breach of these terms. While we strive to accommodate all types of customers your VPS may not be used for the following:
* Bittorrent Trackers
* Sending of unsolicited Email (SPAM)
* Anything related to a botnet
* Downloading Torrents
* Hosting of illegal or copyrighted files
* Free Hosting Companies
Furthermore the end user is solely responsible for all files on their VPS whether the client had knowledge of the files or not. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure their system is secured and safe from compromise. If a system is found out to be compromised x10Hosting has the right to reload the VPS to a default OS after ample time has been given to make backups.