This is a tough one
Since firefox and IE both have different ways of handling embedded fonts you'd have to create a javascript that'll detect the browser type and load the appropriate type.
On to the details~
Embed a Font for viewing in Internet Explorer
Please note that only IE4.0 or above have the capability to web pages with embedded fonts. Here are the steps:
Prepare an EOT (embedded Open Type) for the font you want to embed using Web Embeding Fonts Tool (WEFT). The WEFT can be downloaded at
Microsoft Typography site. Link the EOT to web pages using CSS STYLE tag:
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
<!-- @font-face { font-family: “MRV Code39MA”;
font-style: normal; font-weight:normal;
src: url(;
Embed a font for viewing in Netscape
This viewing capability is only available for Netscape 4.01 and later versions. Prepare a PFR ( Portable Font Resource) for the font you wish to embed using several tools such as
HexWeb typography. Prepare your web page like this:
<LINK REL=FONTDEF SRC="/fonts/mrv39ma.pfr">
All in all, it'd probably be easier to just take a gif of any needed text if it isn't a whole bunch of it.