I kind of don't know where to post this, wasn't there a help board earlier?
Here's the problem:
I added an addon domain to my main domain, which is http://scythica.exofire.net/. The addon domain is http://elderspring.exofire.net/. The addon url worked very fine for a few weeks, and then all of a sudden it got unreachable, giving me this URL instead: http://x10hosting.com/?r=absolut_htdocs , but it looks just like the x10hostin home screen to me.
I tried looking up some things and changing settings etc, but I simply can't get it to work. I'm currently using the scythica URL, but everyone who is using my page only knows the elderspring one, which now doesn't work.
Should I make a new account at x10hosting with the elderspring domain and terminate the other account? Is there any other way to solve this?
Thanks a lot for a wonderful free hosting service, since my page is being quite well accessed I hope and upgrade will eventually be possible for us using it
Solved it temporarily by simply redirecting elderspring to the scythica url.
I'd still like to know why it suddenly stopped working though
I tried solving it temporarily by redirecting elderspring to scythica, but it stopped working after about 10 minutes.
Any advice? Would be very appreciated
Here's the problem:
I added an addon domain to my main domain, which is http://scythica.exofire.net/. The addon domain is http://elderspring.exofire.net/. The addon url worked very fine for a few weeks, and then all of a sudden it got unreachable, giving me this URL instead: http://x10hosting.com/?r=absolut_htdocs , but it looks just like the x10hostin home screen to me.
I tried looking up some things and changing settings etc, but I simply can't get it to work. I'm currently using the scythica URL, but everyone who is using my page only knows the elderspring one, which now doesn't work.
Should I make a new account at x10hosting with the elderspring domain and terminate the other account? Is there any other way to solve this?
Thanks a lot for a wonderful free hosting service, since my page is being quite well accessed I hope and upgrade will eventually be possible for us using it
Solved it temporarily by simply redirecting elderspring to the scythica url.
I'd still like to know why it suddenly stopped working though
I tried solving it temporarily by redirecting elderspring to scythica, but it stopped working after about 10 minutes.
Any advice? Would be very appreciated
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