(E-mail address not verified) says:
who is this..
i was told to add you by someone
dey said ur Gd at php
t2t2 says:
yea... spouse so...
(E-mail address not verified) says:
you any good at installing whm Autopilot?
t2t2 says:
Automessage: RTFM
(E-mail address not verified) says:
i need it installed for my hosting company
t2t2 says:
how hard could it be to read manual?
(E-mail address not verified) says:
Its Not hard
i just keep getting internal errors
t2t2 says:
what exactly
(E-mail address not verified) says:
500 internal errors.
t2t2 says:
oh try setting 777 chmod to 755
(E-mail address not verified) says:
ill do that when i buy another licence code
b coz i put the licence code in when installing it
then i got the error

t2t2 says:
check the folder where you installed it
and put there all 777 chmod to 755
(E-mail address not verified) says:
i deleted it all now.
do u want a Job there?
* t2t2 changed nick to "Take me now, god"