I recently sold my wii plus all my stuff for 600 dollars on ebay and i was looking to buy another one but seems all the stores are out does anyone know when there coming back?
$600? Wow amazing profit making; not sure when the next Wii's are coming out.. why not just wait for the Xbox 360 Elite? It's coming out in the next week or so (maybe less, I forgot the exact date of its release)
only 600? thats good profit, but you prob cood of got more. In acanada, most stores get shipments every week. Bestbuy gets 60 every friday, eb every 2 weeks, toysrus once a week.... I got mine at toys R us.
Theres a few in Wisconsin if you know where to look, but even those shops sell out. They just don't sell out before noon like BestBuy does when they get their wii shipments on tuesday (they sell out before the next week, but not by much)