should i get
Motorola MOTOKRZR K1m 199.99
LG Chocolate™ 129.99
LG White Chocolate™ 129.99
OR RAZR V3m in Silver 50 dollars
Ok you see i have a 100 dollar rebate for a new phone i was going to buy the choclate because its onyl 30 dollars but i cant decide what color if not the krazr can you people help me deside!!! lim like 75% with the black choclate

Motorola MOTOKRZR K1m 199.99

LG Chocolate™ 129.99

LG White Chocolate™ 129.99
OR RAZR V3m in Silver 50 dollars
Ok you see i have a 100 dollar rebate for a new phone i was going to buy the choclate because its onyl 30 dollars but i cant decide what color if not the krazr can you people help me deside!!! lim like 75% with the black choclate