MY forum database only have 18MB of why every time I restore the database, then re-suspended host can tell me why? And traffic can be restored as much without suspension?
Well the suspension reason said it quite clearly actually - your vBulletin install, subfolder 4rum, does not have its license # where it should be. If you provide the license # we can verify it with vBulletin and unsuspend you, but as you're currently showing an unlicensed install, there's no way to unsuspend you -until- you provide a valid vB license.
Oh and what a shame too, you just got permanently suspended with a new suspension reason, courtesy of Nulled Software.
includes/vbulletin_credits.php:|| # vBulletin 3.8.0 - Nulled by VietVBB-Team
Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200, Do Not Collect Files. You cannot be unsuspended anymore, and your account access has been permanently revoked. Hope it was worth it.