Inspired by admintwo's riddle question post, I'd like to do this myself. If this is in any way rude or against forum rules or something else I'm not aware of, please don't penalize me; I'm scared! lol
Oh, by the way, the riddle is not made by me, and I'm not claiming it as my own.
First off, the rules.
OK, and the riddle is...
Oh, by the way, the riddle is not made by me, and I'm not claiming it as my own.
First off, the rules.
- You pay my account 25 credits. If you fail to pay me, your answer will be invalid, regardless of its accuracy.
- You PM me with the answer. You can post a reply saying that you sent me a PM, but do not post your answer in the topic.
- I give you 0 credits if you get it wrong and 120 credits if you get it right. You get one try.
- Please, please, please do not tell another user the answer.
- This offer expires February 13th, 2008, at a time of my choice, GMT-7. Subject to change without notice, although any PM sent to me before I submit a "offer closed" post is valid.
- If I fail to pay when you got it right, you have permission to contact an administrator, who can read the content of the PM's and receive the correct answer from me. Evidence of this post gives permission for an administrator to ban me permanently from X10Hosting Forum and its hosting service if I failed to pay up to a legitimate answer.
OK, and the riddle is...
You depart from your town to walk to a town of a distant friend's, when you come across a junction in the road. Two identical twins stand guard at the fork; this fork splits your road into two roads, one that goes left, and one that goes right. You know as a fact that one of these twins always tells the truth and the other always tells a lie. They permit you to ask only one of them only one question. What question do you ask which one to determine which road to travel?
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