I have started a Chat/Support Channel for x10hosting.com. Its hosted at slashnet. It will help you chat with people at x10hosting get LIVE help with stuff and so on. Itt would be easyer to ask people there.
I'm looking for people with skills. PHP, MySQL, and other languages. Also people who know a lot about hardware and stuff. They will be made channel operators. Also Corey and other people mods will be made opearators on request. However is required that you register a nickname on the slashnet server (Its like a username. Click here on how to register http://www.slashnet.org/faq.php?qid=3 ) and remember that registration is only needed if you are made channel operators. If you are a mod or a devoloper (All staff) PM me once your get a nick name registered.
I hope you'll will hang around the channel. The main point of this channel is to bring this community closer and improve the x10hosting service more.
The Server is : irc.slashnet.org
Server Port is : 6667
Channel Name : #x10hosting.com
There are many IRC programs out there... Such as mIRC, ChatZilla, Opera (Built in) etc.
Thank you,
I have started a Chat/Support Channel for x10hosting.com. Its hosted at slashnet. It will help you chat with people at x10hosting get LIVE help with stuff and so on. Itt would be easyer to ask people there.
I'm looking for people with skills. PHP, MySQL, and other languages. Also people who know a lot about hardware and stuff. They will be made channel operators. Also Corey and other people mods will be made opearators on request. However is required that you register a nickname on the slashnet server (Its like a username. Click here on how to register http://www.slashnet.org/faq.php?qid=3 ) and remember that registration is only needed if you are made channel operators. If you are a mod or a devoloper (All staff) PM me once your get a nick name registered.
I hope you'll will hang around the channel. The main point of this channel is to bring this community closer and improve the x10hosting service more.
The Server is : irc.slashnet.org
Server Port is : 6667
Channel Name : #x10hosting.com
There are many IRC programs out there... Such as mIRC, ChatZilla, Opera (Built in) etc.
Thank you,
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