The SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG is typically a client side issue.
Learn how to fix the "SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG" Error in Firefox using up to 7 different methods when needed.
Let's see...
1. Clear Your Browser History and Cache = Done!
2. Update and Reset Firefox = Done!
3. Disable Your Browser Extensions = Done!
4. Try Using the HTTP Protocol = Can't do this, the toss to HCP happens at your end.
5. Update Your Proxy Settings = Not using proxy settings.
6. Change Your TLS Preferences = Downgraded to v.3
7. Add the Site to Your Trusted Sites List = I don't trust any websites.
8. Shut down and restart Modem, Router, and Computer = Done!
Result? FAIL.
Of all the sites I interact with every single day x10 is the ONLY website I've had DNS, SSL and MODsec problems with.
It doesn't happen very often, but when it does it seems to take many days to resolve. Very frustrating!
Could something be wrong / misconfigured with x10's SSL? A port 443 problem? Something else?
User "ericpychangeip" reported a similar (not identical) problem which apparently was resolved quickly (and, interestingly, in his OP wanted to cancel x10 and 8 minutes later provided probably the best x10 testimonial I've ever read ;-)
I can access the login page (from x10hosting, not directly through x13hosting) and the database, but I can't get through to CMD_FILE_MANAGER, which is really important to me. I need to remove the 'Toggle Dark Mode' button script from my nav.php because it makes my website look unattractive...
Any assistance you could provide would be helpful.