From the cpanel, I did the yabb bulletin board, but I can't find a way to get the banner on it. I tried putting it in the footer, but it didn't show up. I won't give anyone the link to it until the ads are up. But how do I get them on it? - you can always use the javascript code provided if you can't get the php inserted. They both display exactly the same - but the php code is easier to ad in many cases, so we provide both.
.. I'm assuming you have the corporate account, which means the ad code must be in the page header so the viewer doesn't have to scroll to see it, but if you have the advanced package you should be all set .
No I have advanced. Only because I know I'd never be able to find out how to fit those ads in the header. I used to use funpic because they had no ads and about 3500 mb space. But now they have huge ads that take up every page.