I'm too young to remember or have much experience with anything else but the SNES (I have one right now that I got locally for cheap). I do remember that I played a NES and some Sega system that I'm pretty sure was the Genesis (I looked up the Sega Saturn and Sega Genesis and the controllers of the Genesis are really familiar).
I haven't played my SNES in a while because the games I really want to play, like Zelda, need their batteries replaced so they'll keep my saved games.
I also played the N64 a lot. Back when I was little and my brother and I had a SNES, we would rent GoldenEye and an N64 from Blockbuster.
After 2000 (not sure when, specifically) I played Perfect Dark a lot.
Gotta be the N64. When I was little, I'd go over to my cousins and play banjo twoie, Mario Kart, and Star Fox on that thing. Back before Star Fox became gay....