Search results

  1. A

    Still no site!

    I have checked here and everything is apparently up and running on cossacks but I still get Connection Problems Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy...
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    Great Work!

    I'd just like to say how happy I am with the recent changes you have made. Before my site pages were generated in like 2-3 secs now however they are generated in like 0.whatever secs, excellent work. I still get the occasional "SMF could not connect to database" error but I just refresh the page...
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    An Error Has Occurred! Hacking attempt...

    I'm trying to setup SMFShop on my SMF forum and it is all working apart from getting the following error An Error Has Occurred! Hacking attempt... It happens whenever I try to send credits to other members. In my CPanel logs I have an error too ALERT - script tried to increase...
  4. A

    Cron job for SMFshop bank interest not wking

    I'm trying to get bank interest working in SMFshop, to do this automatically I need to setup a cron job, the command given by the author doesn't seem to work, here it is, /usr/bin/php -q /home/[username]/public_html/[forum]/Sources/shop/dointerest.php >...
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    Connection to server reset

    Since the servers have changed I and my visitors are having random periods were we cannot access site. It just says The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. I cannot access via mine or the x10 hosting domain so heres my results when site is inaccessible, Ping my domain...
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    Cannot see site

    My site has been down for a while and now it has come back with the great success, apache is now working on your cpanel and whm server. I know that cpanel was being updated on absolut and stolli but i am on cossacks. I would like to know if this is only temporary or has something gone wrong. If...
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    Databases gone/ no phpmyadmin

    My databases have gone and I cannot use phpmyadmin to put them back it just says #1040 - Too many connections. Username is ovgyclan on the adfree ciroc server. Why did they go and how can I get them back there? (I do have backups just can't get to use php myadmin). I cannot even add databases.
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    Full screen html pages on all screen sizes.

    I am wondering if I can make my website utilize the full screen area on larger screen sizes, my website is at I have seen other sites that do but was wondering if I can just make a simple change to mine to enable it to do it or would I have to start from scratch. Currently...
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    How do I add my domain

    I signed up yesterday and I now have my website ready, I need to add my Domain, is all that I need to do a)add my domain in parked domains or addon domains? b)change to, with my registrar. I'd just like to know if that is right...