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  1. jimv8673

    Since the database in my cpanel is now empty

    where can i see my database files ??
  2. jimv8673

    I dont understand

    why is X10 haveing so much trouble with its servers ?? my site comes and goes. right now i get Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to Try reloading: There is no way i would try to build a serious website here on free or paid either one...
  3. jimv8673

    Why ??

    Why is there no files in my database ??
  4. jimv8673

    How Do I ??

    how do i link my forum account to this forum ?? Or is it already done ??
  5. jimv8673

    what next??

    my forum is on the absolute server, i cant get to the CPanel, i was able to earlier today, and saw that my database files were all missing, what is going on here???
  6. jimv8673

    How do i ??

    link my forum account to this username ??
  7. jimv8673

    X10 Dead ??

    Any ideas why X10 is off the web ??
  8. jimv8673

    Why is it so hard to get VB installed here ??

    Ive tried many times myself and had other very capable webmasters that own VBulletin software try to install it for me, and it is just impossible to do it easily. i own the software (its for sale cheap by the way) and just dont understand. :(
  9. jimv8673

    Installing Vbulletin

    Does anyone know how to install my VB software to this host?? I own the software and have all the needed credentials, i just cant get it installed keep getting errors and VB says its the servers fault. Help Please :(
  10. jimv8673

    absolut server down ??

    sites gone, its on absolut is that server down ?
  11. jimv8673

    Need help

    does anyone here know how to install VBulletin software on my x10 hosting account ??
  12. jimv8673

    Why is Vox always down??

    this is happening with a lot of regularity, can i be moved to a more stable server??
  13. jimv8673

    Is there a good reason why my site is down??

    im on Vox server, and the past few days my site has been down more than up. Can this be corrected in a more permanent fashion. A site that is always down is pretty much useless
  14. jimv8673

    Dont understand ???

    Why does X10 advertise unlimited space, then stick you on that junky VOX server with only 512 mb of space ??
  15. jimv8673

    Has cloud flare been disabled in the CPanel ??

    tried to sign up for cloud flare the join button does nothing :(
  16. jimv8673

    Softaculous Broke ??

    I cant get my board installed using Softaculous Says that the installation package for SMF cant be found ??
  17. jimv8673

    Disk Space

    Before i had infinite webspace now its been reduced to 512mb whats up with that ?? My site is tropicalfish4um, and i would like to request unmetered space
  18. jimv8673

    Space limited on Vox

    Before i had infinite webspace now its been reduced to 512mb whats up with that ?? My site is tropicalfish4um, and i would like to request unmetered space
  19. jimv8673

    Check out my Forum :)
  20. jimv8673

    Cloud Flare ??

    Has signing up for cloud flare been disabled ?? i cant get that to work in my CPanel