Crossfire? Not many heated debates here...


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I have not seen many heated debates in Crossfire. The only one I have seen that is blowing smoke is the one titled, "Homosexuality?"

Are people too afraid to get banned to talk about politics or religion which seem to get everyone's panties in a bunch, but if you read some of the rules and logic fallacies provided by this beautiful forum you will see that if we speak intelligently and keep an open mind or heart both sides can walk out with a better knowledge of their counterparts.

I understand that everyone loves their little polls about which program is awesome and which is a pile of steaming fecal matter, but we should up the ante and talk about today's problems, modern religion (simple questions that philosophers always argue, "Is religion good or bad?" and give our two cents on the matter.

BTW, the Homosexuality post is a bit one sided with a couple of people coming in and simply stating, "Homosexuality is bad, Bad=Satan." Groundless arguments don't make good "Crossfire" :dunno:


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You got a very good point of view....I really appreciate that.

But why do you think people will get banned for posting about religion.
I think this is a good idea to start a poll of religions. and see the number of people using x10hosting from different religions


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You got a very good point of view....I really appreciate that.

But why do you think people will get banned for posting about religion.
I think this is a good idea to start a poll of religions. and see the number of people using x10hosting from different religions

LOL, I have been banned or suspended in many forums for talking about politics or religion. I do not flame or rant. I try to give them sources for my arguments but sometimes a bias mod or an angry "left or right" winger spam reports someone for their opinion.

I would love to talk and discuss many different things. I enjoy talking about many of today's news and break it down sociologically, psychologically, sometimes even see how religion and politics plays a role on a matter at hand. If one could start a post about, example, Why Democrats are right? or Which Religion is the true path? Then you would really up the ante in the crossfire. Maybe even bring more people to this forum with more opinion on this. I bet the Google Bot lurks around here often.


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I think there lots of reasons people avoid controversial topics here. (Two cents yall):

1. Multi-national forum. Hard to talk about American politics when there's so many foreigners. Easier to talk about more global issues and ideas than local ones. (Hence why the homosexuality topic was so popular: the idea transcends USA and many cultures have an opinion about it.)

2. Obviously, people are here because they want to host their site. Since the forum is tied to the hosting, it makes sense that people would be cautious about what they say and do here. What if a mod gets pissed and deletes your website? (Not that I think the mods here would, but it's a legitimate concern.)

3. Relatively low population. You can start a topic all you like, but how many people will respond? How much fun is that? (That is, active members. Most people log into the forum because they have to once a month. There's no requirement to post.)

4. Population dynamics. This ain't no Harry Potter fan-fic forum; it's a web-hosting forum. OF COURSE there's going to be a lot of techno-phile stuff. There's lots of nerd types (no offense yall, I iz der nerd type too, a lesser form though) and philosophy/religion/politics is (for that particular population, in general) not nearly as fun and exciting as Windows vs. Mac vs. Linux.

This is all just theory though, mind you.

Edit: You missed the big Evolution vs. Cration (sic) debate. Might be worth necromancing.
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You forgot the average age of forum members here. That might have to do something with it ;)

As for me I like do discuss things in person. I don't like forums (except for this one, of course :) ). I only visit two of them (including this one) and another one is a forum of my favorite computer related magazine.


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1. Multi-national forum. Hard to talk about American politics when there's so many foreigners. Easier to talk about more global issues and ideas than local ones. (Hence why the homosexuality topic was so popular: the idea transcends USA and many cultures have an opinion about it.)

I understand there are a lot of different nationalities, and cultures but I was simly stating an example. Something to add to me argument so people can understand what I am talking about. ;)

2. Obviously, people are here because they want to host their site. Since the forum is tied to the hosting, it makes sense that people would be cautious about what they say and do here.

This has happened to me before in another free web host that was tied with a forum. It was the same make up as this forum but I might of said something that offended a mod and suspended my account for 90 days. This crossfire forum seems to be for just that, ideas that may piss off people. :biggrin:

4. Population dynamics. This ain't no Harry Potter fan-fic forum; it's a
web-hosting forum. OF COURSE there's going to be a lot of techno-phile stuff. There's lots of nerd types (no offense yall, I iz der nerd type too, a lesser form though) and philosophy/religion/politics is (for that particular population, in general) not nearly as fun and exciting as Windows vs. Mac vs. Linux.

LOL, I can agree with this, I too enjoy a little Mac Cultist Bashing, or "Im der PC" Windows fan arguing. I also enjoy talking about things that can never be truly answered but is nice to ponder around.

As for me I like do discuss things in person. I don't like forums

I enjoy spewing arguments in forums. I am subscribed to 5 forums. Each of them containing different content.


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Good for you then :) but I don't like to discuss things when I can't see your face expression and hear your tone. Call me old-fashion but I like face to face discussions more.


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Good for you then :) but I don't like to discuss things when I can't see your face expression and hear your tone. Call me old-fashion but I like face to face discussions more.

LOL you and me both my friend, which is why I give my "opponents" and readers the luxury of smilies. I always put smilies at the end of an argument to see what my facial expression is remotely about. This is my expression as of now. :biggrin:

When people make groundless arguments or other arguments that are seen as logic fallacies I usually add any of these smilies.


or the simple but yet effective ad hominem


These work.


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Many times people misunderstood smilies in my posts so I had to explain them. That's one of the reasons I don't like to discuss on the forums.

To be completely honest, I don't have time for serious discussions on forums.


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Many times people misunderstood smilies in my posts so I had to explain them. That's one of the reasons I don't like to discuss on the forums.

To be completely honest, I don't have time for serious discussions on forums.

I can understand that, some people have more important things to attend to. Well I don't really have much to do. I am a full time student, so I basically go home and study for 2 - 4 hours a week and the rest is for studying programming. I do try to look for work, but this countries economy is still not great.


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Are people too afraid to get banned to talk about politics or religion which seem to get everyone's panties in a bunch, but if you read some of the rules and logic fallacies provided by this beautiful forum you will see that if we speak intelligently and keep an open mind or heart both sides can walk out with a better knowledge of their counterparts.

Nobody will get banned for voicing their opinion about politics or religion, as long as it is done in a civilized and respectable manner. This forum is for talking about and debating questionable topics, so nobody should hold back saying what they want to say in fear of disapproval by moderators or administrators.

The only reason anyone would ever get banned for posting in Crossfire is if they post spam (including senseless posts or thoughtless one-liners); a thought-out post about someone's opinion will never be considered spam.


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@adamparkzer That is very good to hear from a x10hosting staff. I never do one liners unless it is on review my site page. I never post spam. I dislike spam. Thank you though. I think I might start a post about something. We will see.


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@adamparkzer That is very good to hear from a x10hosting staff. I never do one liners unless it is on review my site page. I never post spam. I dislike spam. Thank you though. I think I might start a post about something. We will see.

One-liners outside of Crossfire are fine as long as the post has meaning to it. Sometimes, you only need one line to get your point across. However, Crossfire was initially made as a debate forum, and during a debate, you should support your point with evidence and valid details instead of just stating your point.

If you ever do make a mistake and post a one-liner in Crossfire, you can go back and edit your post, adding more details and/or content. Also, I normally give a warning before handing out infractions, reminding one-line posters to read the rules first.


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I remember back in the days where the Crossfire section was a pretty intense forum. I used to post a lot around here, but the thing is that the moderator in place (I won't name him) was pretty strict about one-liners, even if they were, as adam said, enough to display and back my point. After I had received a couple of infractions I said to myself that I should stop going there as I cumulated mostly infractions. I started getting back on Crossfire only recently, and I might add, so far so good.
So if you want to revive this forum, keep on the work, as it is slowly starting to pay off.


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I remember back in the days where the Crossfire section was a pretty intense forum. I used to post a lot around here, but the thing is that the moderator in place (I won't name him) was pretty strict about one-liners, even if they were, as adam said, enough to display and back my point. After I had received a couple of infractions I said to myself that I should stop going there as I cumulated mostly infractions. I started getting back on Crossfire only recently, and I might add, so far so good.
So if you want to revive this forum, keep on the work, as it is slowly starting to pay off.

Your account information says that you only received three warnings and no infractions. I guess that in return for being so strict about one-liners, the moderator chose to give you a bunch of warnings before ever giving you an infraction. :p


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Before I forget would be against the rules to debate internet piracy in this forum. Of course we will not be posting links on how to do it. Just on whether it is good or bad. That could be a good debate.


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Before I forget would be against the rules to debate internet piracy in this forum. Of course we will not be posting links on how to do it. Just on whether it is good or bad. That could be a good debate.

Yes, that would be fine, as long as the debate is about the ethics of piracy. Instructing how to pirate or techniques of better pirating would not be permitted, and links to pirated material for download are also not permitted.


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I got a warning this weekend for an inadvertent one-liner. Unfortunately, by the time I was warned, the post could no longer be edited.

/* Begin Sarcasm section - I feel a need to vent:*/
I learned a valuable lesson: this rule is a "letter of the law" rule, and not a "spirit of the law" rule; a one-liner is a one liner, and you will either be warned or receive an infraction regardless of whether that one-liner conveys a complete thought or not. Brevity is frowned upon, so please insure that you wax prolix as you post in the Crossfire forum.

In fact, so as not to get into hot water, I suggest that a poster in the Crossfire forum do their utmost to be as overly verbose as possible. "Overly verbose" meaning, use as many words as possible. One should also state a position and reasoning, then go one step further and paraphrase (paraphrase means say the same thing with different words) the thought in such a way as to make the point to someone who may not understand it as originally written. In other words, use large complex words the first time through, then use much simpler words the second time through.

/*End of sarcasm section - back to my old self again*/

Now, in all seriousness:
With regard to posting in this section: I was taken aback when I received a warning this weekend, because my post, while indeed a "one-liner", did manage to convey both my agreement with a previous post, and my reason for agreeing. That fact that I received a warning instead of an infraction, is a credit to the moderator for not going overboard. But the point of this is to let other posters know that the rules are strictly enforced and everyone should periodically re-read them so as to insure that they are followed. This is a lesson that I had to learn the hard way - with a warning. Please read and follow the rules, so that you do not have to learn the hard way as well.
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On Extended Leave
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With regard to posting in this section: I was taken aback when I received a warning this weekend, because my post, while indeed a "one-liner", did manage to convey both my agreement with a previous post, and my reason for agreeing.

Because you chose to make this incident public, I will address your incident as a specific example.

The post that you were warned for was:

Zeppelin is also my all-time favorite, and arguably the best band ever - for just the reasons you stated.

If you take a look at the rules:

It clearly states that one-line or one-word posts will result in infractions. I choose to be more lenient and give warnings instead of infractions, in case people may not have noticed the rules. The warnings are there as a reminder that the conditions of the rules are still in effect.

Also, here's a small segment of the rules post:

A one word/one line post will be seen as not contributing to the forums overall goal of creating a place where members can debate one another or discuss certain topics on a level that is more sophisticated than other forums here on X10. As such one word/line threads/posts will result in an infraction.

We understand certain posts can only be made with one line. In those rare cases we will not give an infraction. However, the best way to avoid those situations is to not post a single line reply/thread.

In your case, you did not give any supporting details that contributed to debating the topic of which band was the best. You did refer to an unidentified post that was made previous to yours, but you did not quote it or bring in specific details.

It does state that one-line posts will be disregarded and not infracted if they state a complete thought with supporting evidence. However, in your situation, there are plenty of ways you could have expanded on your statement, and does not apply to the exception.

As a guideline, always ask yourself "Why is what I just said true?" if you think your post is too short.

And finally, if you are not satisfied with the additional rules that Crossfire participants must abide by, you are always welcome and free to discuss topics in the Off-Topic board as well.


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Your account information says that you only received three warnings and no infractions. I guess that in return for being so strict about one-liners, the moderator chose to give you a bunch of warnings before ever giving you an infraction. :p
I used to have another account, but I can't remember the name. I received a couple of infractions (3 I think), then left x10 for a period of time. I later joined back using the nick I am currently using, xav0989.
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