Current state of x10hosting & future plans...?


Prime Account
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So a few years ago, I was just beginning a new job and was completely unsure of what my schedule was going to be and I purchased a prime subscription. A year later I upgraded to the illuminated? subscription. Well that's the name of the server I'm on.
Then back in the middle of 2017 I find out that I can't access my backups, you know the R1Soft Restore Backups.

So here's what's missing or falling apart...
The "Upgrades and Support" is a dead link, and "Visit Community" no longer directs here to the community forums.
We no longer have multiple webmail clients. Now we can't even log in to webmail.
My cPanel says I'm have 2 ftp accounts, but when I click on the icon it doesn't show either one of them.
The R1Soft Restore Backups is no longer accessible.
I do no currently have any cron jobs running, but I did at one time have one saved. Unfortunately I can not see if I have any jobs saved at all until I create & save a new one. Only then can I see and either activate, edit, or delete an already saved one.

Corey used to be very vocal in the forums. He hasn't posted in the forums in almost 2 years now that I can see.

It seems that the forums are now pretty much dead, and there isn't much activity from the mods.

So can someone please update us on what's going on?

I'm not trying to be pushy or anything. I joined x10hosting and I'm glad I did.

But with the last 2 outages that my server has experienced, the down times were horrible. They lasted for multiple days, and what made it so bad was that Corey and others who had an opportunity to let us know that the problem was being addressed was silent. When sites started going down, the mods & admins actually let us know what was going on. That doesn't happen anymore.

The facebook page isn't even being updated anymore.
The Server uptime page isn't even live.

I get 6 email accounts & ftp accounts. I get 4 subdomains, addon domains, and databases. I'm only using 2 email accounts, 2 ftp accounts, 2 subdomains, 2 addon domains, & 2 databases. I'm fixing to close one of the databases when I get my new site up & running.

I'm also using 1.48gb of disk space and that'll probably also go down when I launch my new site and delete my existing one (by how much I don't know).
Currently MySQL diskspace is only 81.59mb.

I have even gone into "Optimize Website" and set it to Compress All Content.

With all of this said, am I really one of those candidates that x10hosting expects for me to be a paying member? I wouldn't think so, but I chose to upgrade because I believe in the service and wanted my experience to be better than what it had been. I'd paid more than $1 month if I didn't have to pay it all upfront. I believe that my illuminated subscription is ending this year and I'd renew it in a heartbeat to help keep the service going. But truth be told, I'm starting to wonder if Corey still believes in x10hosting especially as a free service.

I spent the majority of my day trying to secure my site. I went over to, created my keys, cloudflare and added my txt records only find out that x10 free doesn't support ssl. (Yes I learned if I upgrade to premium it is supported) It was a real bummer today considering I have a lot of content I'm trying to import & connect too that won't display in my site because my site is not "secure".

With everything said, I hope that someone will stand up and address x10's free hosting community about the plans for the future. If not at least direct Corey's attention to this post that he himself will hopefully address it.

Thank you for your time,


Active Member
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Danielle, well said. I have ask for an update in the past but it seems to fall on deaf ears. I have an x10 free account and also am an administrator on a prime account.


Staff member
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Hello Danielle,

I am sorry to hear that you are having a few problems with the Illuminated hosting account that you use. The server you are hosted on as a Prime member recently was upgraded and the cPanel software updated. This update may have caused some of the issues for you as cPanel is discontinuing the outdated 'X3' theme. I have changed this accounts them to the new Paper Lantern theme which should fix most, if not all of the problems you had been seeing.
We have discontinued the Prime and Illuminated upgrade options for now as we are working on new offers and ways to improve users experience. We ultimately would like to make another cheaper option available as a step in between free hosting and premium hosting but feel that the available options fell short of this. As we move forward there will be another available plan option like the one you are using now.
Luckily all remaining Prime and Illuminated users will be able to keep their accounts active at no charge as they are so there is no need to worry about renewing the subscription it will be available to you free of charge.

As you mentioned our free, and prime service does not offer the ability for users to add SSL certificates to their sites. This is now a free service offered with our premium accounts only.

I hope this helps! If you need anything else please let us know.


Prime Account
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Thank you so much for your response, I really do truly appreciate it.

The new theme is definitely different, that's for sure. I now have 2 R1Soft Restore Backups instead of 1. Neither one of them work. I also have a new program called Acronis Backup. However, it says: The backup agent is not available. Please contact your service provider.

I really wish that you guys didn't feel bad thinking that the illuminated package feel short of the your expectations. As much as I hate to say this, but I've been window shopping for another host since I opened this thread. It's not that I don't enjoy being here, but by the end of this year I am going to have to install an SSL certificate to my site.

As of this morning, March 20th, I found a host that offered me 10GB of web space, Unlimited Bandwidth, Host Unlimited Domains, Unlimited Email Accounts, Unlimited MySQL Databases for $0.85 a month. When I went to cash out they were only going to charge me $10 for the year instead of $10.20.
They have another package that is $1 a month that has everything above except they changed the 10GB of web space with Unlimited webspace, and they changed Unlimited Domains with Host 01 Domain. In addition they also threw in Free Comodo SSL.

I don't post the above to be mean or anything cause truth be told both they and x10 are really really similar in terms of offering and I wanted you to see that charging $1 a month for the illuminated package really was a good deal.
I've never seen anything in the community asking for suggestions or input on how to make the prime & illuminated packages better, but truth be told, how do you top the free hosting package? Your free service really is so good why should anyone upgrade unless they need additional email accounts or whatever?
For me personally, I don't need anymore than what y'all have provided me with the illuminated package except for the availability to add an SSL certificate. So my suggestion would be to give illuminated users the availability to install an SSL certificate without changing the number of databases or email accounts or anything else. This would only be available to illuminated subscribers, not to prime. Even at $1 a month I still think this would be a great deal. I meant it though, I'd be willing to pay a little extra more to have the SSL option.

To be honest, I really don't want to deal with the hassle of switching hosts. So I look forward to seeing what new package option that y'all come up with. Thank you for letting us know that y'all are looking at creating a new upgrade package to replace the discontinued ones.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for your time,