How about dumping Discord entirely?


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Good grief. Discord is a mess! You can't find anything on it, and once you find something that you think has even a 1% chance of having anything to do with what you are looking for, you can't page up and down in it. The site is a bell-and-whistle-filled disaster. I've felt this way for a while, but I finally decided to complain today when Discord wouldn't let me log in because my IP address wasn't the same as it was the last time I logged in. So I needed to have them E-mail me a link that would allow this new IP address to be recognized. Which I did. But by the time I retrieved the E-mail and followed the link, the link had expired(!). Are they really that worried that someone might have hacked into my Discord account? Do they have any idea how useless Discord is? Could you announce that you will no longer be responding to posts on it after 90 days from today, and direct everyone to post on this Community Forum? At least the Community Forum works (although it's pretty hard to search for anything, especially when people post problems with the thread title "Problem")!


Community Advocate
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many sites now dont allow proxies or vpn that block or change your access ip address,
many browsers use this feature for privacy settings.
most people dont have issues using discord or haven't said anything until now.
maybe staff can look into any issues on discord and fix them.

but to just give up on discord and go back to how it was with posting in the forums would be a mistake.
because staff does not always visit the forums looking to fix unrelated issues.
unrelated being stuff not directly linked to x10 hosting services.
as a community advocate (helper) id see it as a disaster to waste staffs time,



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I imagine that loads of people have issues with Discord, but just like me, they gave up in disgust when they went looking for an answer to a question they had, got a whole bunch of search results that clearly didn't have anything to do with what they were asking, and couldn't page up and down within the one search result that looked like it might have a 1% chance of answering their question. "To hell with it - I'll mess around with this later," they said, and they never got back to it. (Probably because they couldn't log in again, because their IP address had changed!)

As I have said elsewhere, what could possibly be the purpose of locking out a login from an IP address other than the one the user signed up with? Is there really a problem with someone hacking into my Discord account? Gosh, the hacker might find an answer to a technical question he's had for a while! Yeah, right. Sell me that bridge in Brooklyn, will ya?

I finally understand why it's called Discord.
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I am just me
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Discord has never been intended as a resource to find the answer by searching, it is a chat platform. You ask your questions and hope someone is available to answer.

The only section intended for search is really the FAQ channel (and yes you can search within a specific channel only. We don't expect users to search for an answer in discord, they rarely do in the forums either to be honest, they rather post the same question a 100th time (in some cases this is a good thing), posting "I have the same issue" inside a thread last used a year ago is not a good idea, it is easier to give support if everyone have their own thread.

Discord is not something we host or control, but actually the locked login is rather common (you get an email to verify the new location sent to the one you signed up with), I get that with a few other services as well as a security measure. Discord may be slower then most in sending these emails however.

If everyone actually posted meaningful titles and clearly explained their issue I'd be a very happy camper, but you do realize that search can actually look into the content part of a post as well and not just the title?


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I cannot imagine a less efficient way of finding help than posting a question after 99 other people have posted the same question, and hoping that someone has the patience to provide the answer for the hundredth time. ("Discord" was really an appropriate title for this service, wasn't it?) In general, as users interested in a particular thread, we should suggest to management that such a thread be added to the FAQ, and even propose its wording so that all of the "I'm having the same problem" replies that present novel aspects to the issue get covered. Maybe you don't view the purpose of a forum as entailing that kind of obligation, but it's the way I've always seen it.

I don't know how Discord handles this, because I'm still locked out of it (and care less each day that I am), but the Forum on handles it pretty well: if someone posts a reply to a thread you are "watching", you get an E-mail to that effect. Therefore, there shouldn't be any problem posting a reply to a thread that is over a year old with a response like "I'm having the same problem." Except that in this case, the reply should be more like "I'm having the same problem, except that the problem now looks like this ...." Or, start a new thread with a title that shows that the problem has evolved.

On the subject of "security measure", I would still love to hear why I would be locked out because my IP address doesn't match the one I signed up with (or the last one I managed to activate the link fast enough to add to the list of permitted IP addresses). Is it really a problem that someone might have obtained my Discord login credentials and is impersonating me on the platform? Does that happen? What would such a hacker do? Create discord? It appears that is the purpose of the platform, hence the name.

Finally, yes, I do realize that Search can actually look into the content part of a post as well, and not just the title. In fact, that appears to be why one gets so many irrelevant hits - the search engine interprets multiple search terms as being linked by OR, and not AND. (Google strikes again!)


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if your locked out of discord services that is NOT an x10 hosting issue.
if becomes a discord issue.

the free services of x10 hosting is based on volunteer help. users helping other users..
if you expect premium grade support you need to purchase the premium services.