What Should be Done To Make X10 Dominate.

all iniquity

New Member
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We've all Seen all the other stinkers out there, I shall not mention their name in our presence, But you know whom I speak of. Hosting sites with unbelievable amounts of popups, popunders, banners, long urls, ect ect. X10 is the exception in my opinion. We also all know why.

But lets be honest, it has downtimes, heavy server loads and slow speeds (sometimes), it's mostly the downtown that is noticed. But this isnt their (your) fault odviously, I cant even phathom how they afford the bw. Some of you, know and understand what they're offering, but some, the majority imo. Don't understand what they're truely offering you, what they're doing for you at such a bare freaking minimum. You get so many features for practically nothing.

I think to reduce this stress, increase uptimes and make x10 the true dominator of hosting, there should be new acct structures.

Basic : text advertisement, 2sql, 600mb space, 3gb/m limit, cpanel and all the other wonderful features that you offer.

Advanced : banner advertisement, 4sql, 1gb space, 5-7/m limit, and all the features.

Why the drastic changes? because who needs em ?. I run three things off my sql db's, and though thats not as sufficent, and some peoples needs are higher for other apps, Who REALLY need smore then 2 or 4 ?.

Why less space? honestly, who needs more then 600 to 1gb of space on a webserv, other then to abuse it, use it for warez or other forms of distro. I could see your current service bein sploited and used for bnets. your ftp makes a nice distro spot, and its almost entirely possibly to fake an acct 100% ..

That also incorps in to the monthly bw limits, I'd even be up for lower ones. Anyone needing more needs to pay you for a monthly service, which would be on another server completely with more attention and time put in to it as I'm sure you do now.

I've read over all the offers you provide for paying, and believe me, they're unbelievable. Doing the customized-plans is great too, but if you want to be the best, you got to have standards.

I believe this place is the BEST hosting I've ever encounterd, the price is right, and soon I will most likely upgrade to a paid plan, But this downtimes discourage me and this current sql problem only makes me think more on it. I currently have hosting with 1and1 for my dot net, got a free 3yr thing with them, and they have never gone down. But, they dont offer half the great services you have, and they also charge extra to dock domains. You are odviously the dominant service, but the downtimes are the issue.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing the staff or the owners/founders. I am sincerely greatful for the service they offer me. I just want to see it be the best, it can be.

Thanks for listening/reading.


I Break Things
Staff member
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback\suggestions.

There is always going to be downtime on the free server when we give people this much freedom. There is no way to stop the ones who like to abuse their accounts with spamming\file hosting\phishing. We suspend someone for spamming almost every other day.

I am leaving for vacation today and will be back the 16th. I plan to bring another dual xeon online to distribute the load and accounts to help with the downtime.

We were offering paid sign-ups and we will again in the future. These accounts are on a different server that rarely has problems and has faster support ;).
