Im just wondeiring why my site is down just as much as it is up. I know its free and all so I don't care that much, but isn't it a bit ridiculous for it being down so often. I don't see any reason for it. That amount of maintence shouldn't be required to keep the server running smoothly so im assuming it has major problems and keeping it running is a chore.
I don't mean this in a bad way, but it doesen't make x10 look very good as reliable hosting solution weither you pay or not. I've paid pennies for some hosting companys and it wasn't this bad, I've paid alot for good hosting and it was only decent, but this is just dreadful. Everytime I goto my site over the course of the last 3 weeks or so. Its down 80% of the time I decide to update something or to check something. and I hardly even view it so I don't know about the rest of the time! Im not exaggerating either. I wish I was
any information on why this continues to happen would I think be appreicated by many.
Im just wondeiring why my site is down just as much as it is up. I know its free and all so I don't care that much, but isn't it a bit ridiculous for it being down so often. I don't see any reason for it. That amount of maintence shouldn't be required to keep the server running smoothly so im assuming it has major problems and keeping it running is a chore.
I don't mean this in a bad way, but it doesen't make x10 look very good as reliable hosting solution weither you pay or not. I've paid pennies for some hosting companys and it wasn't this bad, I've paid alot for good hosting and it was only decent, but this is just dreadful. Everytime I goto my site over the course of the last 3 weeks or so. Its down 80% of the time I decide to update something or to check something. and I hardly even view it so I don't know about the rest of the time! Im not exaggerating either. I wish I was
any information on why this continues to happen would I think be appreicated by many.