Good Site but content can added.
First of all apoorav, please put your link under your signature! putting your link after post, post and more post will make other user frustrated!
Please be aware of that....:eek4:
advice: everytime you finish your post, please leave your user name or user name with this content - example:
Best regards
Get it?
Also, please be a little more precise on your post, so that other people / users could follow.

giving little information and points is not enough to clarify their issues or things which they need to improve!
So, to be generous...please, please and please give more in-depth information regarding to their website, blogs, forums and ect...
Thank you and good luck
Hello everyone,
Please review my blog
Technology Unleashed. If you cannot click on the link, copy the address from here:
Please give me your valuable comments and suggestions about it, its design, its contents and also about how to improve it more!
site update: if you find my site inaccessible, please try again later. It is temporary problem. thank you for your patience
Hi n30the0ne! Your website looks sleek, vibrant and smart!
I also noticed that your website is very fast and efficient with some quality articles. However, when I was about to write an article about "How to improve start menu search in Vista", I suddenly broke my wireless - mouse *sad* snatch the tutorial...
P.S. I use a ok...I'll replace my mouse soon. I have 10 of them.
Anyway, I would like ask you this....
Everyday I felt very lonely writing articles about computer, operating systems, tutorial and ect. So, I would like to ask: could we work togheter as a team to assist others?
I would like to have a friend who knows alot about computer...I am on my own (over at my side)...
You can use my articles and I can use your articles to create something new, share techniques, share anything about computer knowledge and ect...
So...will you please join me? I'll also put an advert on my homepage and blog.

If you agree, I'll give you my email address and we can talk about creating something or share our knowledge. *smile*
I would like to have you so that I know I am not alone....
Finally, you'll need to change some meta keywords, at the header.php ~decription and ect for the search engine.
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow,noodp,noydir" />
<meta name="description" content="...." />
<meta name="keywords" content="...." />
Well...that is all I could say!
Best regards