Eh, that 9200 is a pretty crappy card and I really don't recommend running it as your primary.
I'll explain the older NVIDIA model number structure for cards prior to the GeForce 200-series:
- The first number (e.g., 6, 7, 8, 9) is the series.
- The rest (e.g., 200, 500, 800) is the level of the card in the series. 100-300 are low-end cards suitable for strictly desktop use; 400-600 are aimed at multimedia (i.e., video) use; and the 700 and 800 are the gaming cards. The 5- and 7-series' did have 900-level cards, which were, obviously, a step up from the respective 800-level cards in their series.
- As the series number progresses, so does the overall processing power baseline. This means that, generally, an card from one series will be more powerful than a card of the same level from the previous series.
- Some random letters will be added onto the ends of higher-number cards. GT is more powerful than the "normal" card, and GTX is more powerful than GT. I'm not sure where GS exactly fits in, but they're less powerful than GT and maybe less powerful than the normal card. I think they may be intended as lower-capacity cards for OEM's to throw into machines to give them
some degree of graphics prowess but to be weak enough that the consumer will want to upgrade them later.
So, from that, one can deduct that an 8800 is way better than a 9200

Actually, there's not a whole lot of difference between the 8- and 9-series'; an 8800 is only a shade less powerful than a 9800 and an 8600 is virtually identical to a 9600.
The point of all this: don't return the 8800 if you don't have to.
As a side note, I really don't recommend running drivers from MSI. OEM's have a terrible habit of not updating their drivers, so it's usually better to
get drivers straight from NVIDIA. Actually, now might be a good time to download the newest drivers for the 8800 from NVIDIA, go through Add/Remove Programs and rip out everything NVIDIA-related, and reinstall the drivers. (NVIDIA uses a "unified driver architecture" so that one package will have drivers for both cards.)
--- Mr. DOS