Recent content by Anna

  1. Anna


    Diskspace can be increased several times as needed. It is the account geral that I see listed as having a large usage, you can see that under email accounts in DirectAdmin. The only option to get more email accounts is switching to premium which comes at a low cost (if you pay by month it is...
  2. Anna


    One of your email addresses lists as having over 500 mb usage, I'd advise you to review that as that is a fair bit of email usage, although I can see it possibly accumulating since your account is a few years old. That said, I have increased your available space a bit for now and you should see...
  3. Anna

    My custom domain already in use...

    Could you please let us know what the IP address it claims to be in use on? I can not see it present on the server at this time.
  4. Anna

    Disk Space Quota Exceeded When Its only ~500MB

    Your overall usage is what is seen in the green square, this is the one that tells how much your account uses, and how much it has available in total. The red square, which I assume is the part you are curious about is the usage for each of your domains. When adding a domain to the account you...
  5. Anna

    Disk Space Quota Exceeded When Its only ~500MB

    I can see that you have ~450 mb stored in .trash, red square enclosure showing this. Any file you deleted would end up there unless otherwise selected delete to trash is the default setting, and it will count towards the total. See attached image as well (it is a screenshot from your root...
  6. Anna

    Plz help I need proxy browser

    Wrong place for this, closing
  7. Anna

    i need proxy sites

    Wrong place for this, closing
  8. Anna

    Request more disk Space

    I have doubled your available space, some of the usage was in tmp files though, but even without that I figured you were eligible for the increase.
  9. Anna

    Please Unsuspend my account

    I have sorted this out. The account was actually unsuspended on the server itself, but the panel failed to reflect this properly.
  10. Anna

    Requesting Unsuspension

    Your account should now be properly unsuspended, it was actually unsuspended on the server itself, but the panel failed to reflect this.
  11. Anna

    404 error

    I can see that your account was recently suspended for inactivity and that you unsuspended just a couple days ago. Any attempt to login to mail during the time the account was suspended would have resulted in a failed login attempt as the credentials would not be considered "valid" when the...
  12. Anna

    404 error

    Site and server has been up all along. However, your local IP was blocked by the server due to too many failed IMAP login attempts. I have removed the block, please ensure as quick as possible that your mail client(s) on your local network is using the correct credentials for login to the mail...
  13. Anna

    Domain suspended due to inactivity

    This should now be restored, please to check it over to verify it all looks right. Upon viewing your domain I do get an error, so it may be a coding thing (if it was the same prior to suspension and termination) or in worst case something wrong with the backup, in which case I'll try and find an...
  14. Anna

    MYSQL version

    No one is going to install a mysql version that is deprecated by nearly a decade. Further more due to adult oriented images found on your site(s), the account is now suspended for violation of the Terms of Service.
  15. Anna

    Paid hosting down. Please respond to my ticket

    Unfortunately most that are active here would be the people with no access to premium, that said I have sent a message to one of the ones that are on staff for premium as well. While this technically wasn't a support request for free hosting, and thus perhaps it felt wrong to post in that...