Recent content by apcristo

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    PHP vs. ASP

    I work with PHP, but i would like to know your point of view about this. so... What's the advantages and disadvantages of PHP and ASP?.
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    Please. I need someone to rete this " Under costruction" Page.

    Thanks fearghal, i appreciate it. Well ... How did i do it?. Ok, I made the picture with Pothoshop. using the Spherize filter for the planet. Lens flare for the shine. And a long dark brush to make the shadow of the planet. if you wnat you can add some star brushes to the background. If you want...
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    Please. I need someone to rete this " Under costruction" Page.

    I like all of you comments,GHB187 i'm new in this stuffs, but i think that you are right,But remenber that 1280 x 800 px is not enough space to write in thounsands of languages the same thing. I wrote it in the most popular languages for my region. By the way, GHB187 why don't you show us one...
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    How to make a free Broadcasting server

    Hi everybody. I have a radio show, and I need to broadcast the show over internet. I know that I need a broadcasting program or i need a broadcasting server. I think so. The problem is that i have not money and i can set a serveer with Linux, but i don't know how to do it. Please Help...
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    Please. I need someone to rete this " Under costruction" Page.

    Well, thanks for all the tips. I cuted the image in 8 pieces because i was thinking about te people that have not a high speed connection. For that people is not the same to load a 2 Mb image than 8 images pieces of some kb. My theory is that if the set of images are little should load faster...
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    Please. I need someone to rete this " Under costruction" Page.

    Hi everybody. I'm new in web design, A group of friends ask me about to build a website but I need some directions about the graphic and web design. I made the picture and the little page . I appreciate your post. Thx. Kelieth Navas