Recent content by aquariu5

  1. aquariu5

    cant log-in to Cpanel

    yep it is :) it amazes me, how all that has to happen is for Dead-i to show up and stuff just gets fixed :) youre the bees knees Bud :lol:
  2. aquariu5

    cant log-in to Cpanel

    i type in my normal stuff but cant get logged in ???
  3. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    i disabled Cloud Flare in the Cpanel, i hope :( wish i had never turned it on to start with.
  4. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    Im sorry to cause such a stir, and im not sure that anything is wrong at all. Im just reading what the folks at Cloud flare say, and the fact that i know just about enough to be dangerous doesnt help :) So if you say everything is right and ok, i will shut my mouth and quit being such a pain...
  5. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    is this NOT an issue ??? if not i suppose there is no issue, and the folks at clouflare are full of bologna. :) Quote: CloudFlare should now be enabled on ''; subdomain. You should be good to go, however there is a redirect set on your 'www.'; domain to point you back...
  6. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    I just had a thought, do you suppose every account on free hosting is that way or just mine ??
  7. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    Ok, but if anyone can figure it out please do make the fix. i will consider the paid plan. ive looked at several paid hosts, and i may end up going that way. Im not sure how much damage this glitch is causing, time will tell i suppose. I really have had no complaint with X10 free up to now...
  8. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    The main reason is just that. Ive spent a lot of time and effort to build a nice board, using quality software. Its hard enough to attract members to that topic today without having one arm tied behind you by a server setup that is not right. Thats the reason i went with free hosting to start...
  9. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    Im not :( i really think that if anyone here knew how to fix it you would, but whatever sorry for the bother. i wont be back.
  10. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    Thats what i was afraid of, something is screwed up. Can the Staff here please address this issue and correct whatever needs to be corrected ? It would be much appreciated. Thanks
  11. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    Not an issue really, and yes my site is doing just fine. (I Guess ??) I just dont want anything thats screwed up to stay that way if i can help it. im just basing my concern on what Cloud Flare has told me. *********** QUOTE: however there is a redirect set on your 'www.'; domain to point...
  12. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    Can someone please help me resolve this issue ?? :)
  13. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    UPDATE: I received this from Cloud Flare today, Now What ?? How Do I Accomplish What Is Suggested Below ???? Jeremy Meeks (CloudFlare) Jul 05 12:16 PM Hello, CloudFlare should now be enabled on ''; subdomain. You should be good to go, however there is a redirect set...
  14. aquariu5


    That sounds serious :) can you please put that into terms a semi- dumbo can understand, what can i do to fix it is guess is my question? would setting up a forwarder in the CPanel work, or what ? I can see where that might help as far as the contact button goes, but how can you set it up so...
  15. aquariu5


    Ok im sorry, Almost every forum software has a contact button so potential members etc. can send mail to the Owner/Admin/Webmaster. This is typically the email address of the Owner/Admin and is chosen in the setup of the software itself. In my case that is However NO...