Recent content by aqwrocks

  1. aqwrocks

    Can't change theme back to default

    Hi Dead-i, I want to say thank you so much for doing this for me. It made me happy. ^^
  2. aqwrocks

    Can't change theme back to default

    Hello there and I could find any other place to post this on forums but as you see from the Thread. Yeah. So I wanted to change my theme for my portal page to manage ftp and my site and etc and I went to settings and change the default theme to cPanel theme and saw that I could change back at...
  3. aqwrocks

    Indeed it does. :P

    Indeed it does. :P
  4. aqwrocks

    MLP Thread

    Oh, it is and it still is but MLP seems to have a story near the start of a season that last for two episodes and season 4 had a story during the final "fight" And the rest of the episodes just seem to be there. I don't mind that but as you said "Gravity Falls or Steven Universe which have a...
  5. aqwrocks

    DNS Trouble

    Thanks for the feedback Dead-i and I figured as much but I hope things go well and again. Thanks for the feedback. It's nice to get some new information on a issue to put minds to rest. :P Sonik~
  6. aqwrocks

    MLP Thread

    Mlp is nice series and so far has made a nice fan base due to this reboot series and I will say if you want to see MLP, you may like it and if you don't like it. There is always the fan base there are a ton of friendly bronies or pegasisters who are kind and for the most part opened minded...
  7. aqwrocks

    DNS Trouble

    Hiya, I'm having the same issue here and to Maaix10h The only thing we can do is wait for a fix or ask around to see what can be done. I don't know how long the sites have been down but maybe something happened on their end and they are working on a fix for the problem. I hope we do get some...