Recent content by azngrl_1824

  1. azngrl_1824

    Having a problem with my site

    oops problem solved; I just needed to clear my browser cache. I am always forgetting to do that very often.
  2. azngrl_1824

    Having a problem with my site

    Okay so when you go to my site directly the default page for when a hosting account was just created comes up. But when you add /index to the end it comes up as it should like so what's going on, I took the index.html file out...
  3. azngrl_1824

    You can't make money without money.

    You can't possibly believe that you can't make money without investing anything I have made over $300 in just 6 months I have invested money however and I am tripling what I put in. But nonetheless it is possible to make money with no funds whatsoever.
  4. azngrl_1824

    Continuous "500 Internal Server Error

    So I just uploaded a script to my site and I try to access it after my domain has propagated to find the image above. What can I do to begin to fix this?
  5. azngrl_1824

    Review my website

    Forget about my eyes, that made my head hurt once the page loaded.
  6. azngrl_1824

    Constructive Critisicm

    I find Dreamweaver very friendly to use but there are other types of web authiring programs out there. I have a links page on my official site at that lists some programs that can help you.
  7. azngrl_1824

    Review my review site

    This is my review site. It is still under construction but I want to know what needs to be changed before I continue on; I am in the process of making a new background so I have that covered, I just need a general site overview.
  8. azngrl_1824

    My site / Mi página

    This site is amazing I love the colors I love how the site is interactive; has a very clean interface Usually I don't like wide canvas sites but it works really well with this site. Este sitio es increíble Me encantan los colores Me encanta cómo el sitio es interactivo, tiene una interfaz muy...
  9. azngrl_1824

    Constructive Critisicm

    The banner is really too big and overpowering for the page, instead of two cliparts maybe have one leaderboard sized banner across the top of the page. Are you working with HTML in publisher because I use dreamweaver, PHP, and MySQL for my sites.
  10. azngrl_1824

    Alternatives Google Adnsenes

    I use Adbrite but this may be worth a try.
  11. azngrl_1824

    Constructive Critisicm

    First thing I see when I go to your site is that it needs to be centered, most people's attention is usually centered when they go to a website so having the content off to the side although it is rather enormous is going to make some users click off. Secondly, too many different fonts and...
  12. azngrl_1824

    Fansite Review

    The words are really hard to see; you have to make it functional for everyone and I am halfway blind.
  13. azngrl_1824

    What do you use x10Hosting for?

    I am currently using X10Hosting for Review and Report It works very well for what I need which is mainly PHP and MySQL; I am also using Wordpress for the site so this works very well. I use another web host for some other sites that I own and they aren't half as good as x10. If I could host all...
  14. azngrl_1824

    earn money using google adsense

    With Adbrite you have to set your minimum payout, unless you set it to $14 then they won't send the check.
  15. azngrl_1824

    Adsense,YPN,Bidvertizer,AdOnions,Chitika etc

    My adsense account has been deactivated 3 times so I despise them at this time. They told me there was invalid activity on my account but I couldn't see how seeing as I didn't click on my own ads, never asked anyone to click my ads, and I was hardly getting any traffic to my sites as it was...