Recent content by bsbgrbsh

  1. B

    Resolved Can't upload files

    Do you have free space available? When you go over the storage limit it stops you being able to upload, but website still works as normal.
  2. B

    Resolved Backups in DirectAdmin

    Hi, I'm pretty sure that with CPanel there was an option to download/reupload a complete backup of my site (R1Soft/RSoft1/SoftR1 or similar?), but I can't find this anymore. Is there a plan to implement something similar again soon or should I find another way of storing backups now? (I...
  3. B

    Disk space reverted to 512MB

    Hi, Since the transfer to DirectAdmin, I seem to have lost my increased disk space quota, could this be reactivated please (I think I should be eligible for 2GB)? Thanks!
  4. B

    "Failed to write file to disk" when uploading photos

    There is also a storage space analyser in cpanel, which shows where your biggest files are. At one point I had a 200Mb error file that used all my available space, after I cleared the errors my site worked fine again.
  5. B

    www before url of free subdomain

    Neither link works for me... Have you tried doing a redirect in .htaccess? You can also use this to force https
  6. B

    Storage increase

    Hi, I'm currently at just over half my current storage allowance, could I have it doubled please? Thank you! :)
  7. B

    Disk space increase

    Thank you!
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    Disk space increase

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    Disk Space

  10. B

    Disk Space

    Can I have unmetered disk space pretty please? I meet all the requirements and would greatly appreciate it, thanks!
  11. B

    Disk Space upgrade

    Any chance I could get the unlimited disk space upgrade as my site is growing towards the 500mb limit. Pretty sure my site meets all the criteria and I have been a member for 2.5yrs. Cheers!
  12. B

    Disk space increase

    bumpity bump a lump?
  13. B

    Can't use my database as out of disk space

    Well I found my problem, a 250+MB(!!!!!) error log, looks like I have a fun weekend finding out why. I have also downloaded file optimiser as it looks a handy tool, thanks for the suggestions.
  14. B

    Can't use my database as out of disk space

    Hi, I posted about a week ago when I noticed I was really close to me disk space limit ( I didn't want to bump it in case there's a queue!). I've now gone over it and can't use my database, making it a bit tricky to find and delete the files that aren't being used - and I'd rather not have to...
  15. B

    Disk space increase

    Hi, I have had my account for ages and have noticed I am now approaching the disk space limit, could you upgrade me to unrestricted please? Thank you!