Recent content by creativeminds10187

  1. creativeminds10187

    500 Internal Server

    I already read that thing but the terms that were used was too complicated, I just don't get it :) anyway i'll go try to re-upload my files, but I don't think that will solve the problem.
  2. creativeminds10187

    500 Internal Server

    SO this happened when I uploaded the wordpress file. uhmmm what can I do? I see this 755 and 644 things and i'm pretty sure that each file has this permission and I also saw this thing about the .htaccess and then what is with this.. I already saw it. then what? what will I...
  3. creativeminds10187

    Free Quality WordPress Themes by subxpert

    thanks for the portafolio theme, I added it to our list of picks as a theme for our blog
  4. creativeminds10187

    Hi! I'm Louie

    So I'm Louie, 15 years old. Me and my friends are still in a struggle on what name should we give on our blog and later this week, I will be able to set it all up. We already had a blog before but unfortunately, the hosting site had a problem and the MySQL was deleted, we didn't have any backup...
  5. creativeminds10187

    Delete my Account

    wait don't delete my account. I have decided to set it up this week, although it's not yet sure.
  6. creativeminds10187

    Delete my Account

    "Support is currently closed for the server your hosting account is on (lotus). Please visit our forums and read the news." this is what appears when I try to open a new support ticket
  7. creativeminds10187

    Delete my Account

    please delete my account, I don't need it anyway.. but tnx for letting me see ur service, there is nothing wrong with it, I just don't need it.